The 88

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A secret organization of 88 members, each of whom is referred to by number. Membership status is increased via seniority as well as demonstrated competence and merit. Therefore the leader of the group is #88, and #1 is the newest and most junior member of the organization. Additional leadership positions in the hierarchy are designated by double digits, who have command over other numbers in their ten-digit family. Therefore #77 is the commander of numbers 70-79. Leaders may also have control or dominion over other areas of 88 operations. #1 for example is the commander of the 33rd Path, and #11 is the director of 88 security.

No one knows the true origins of the 88. Some claim the 88 are the oldest of the secret societies, predating even the Gnostics and the mystery cults of ancient Egypt. Not even the members themselves are sure of their origins: only the top eleven members of the hierarchy are privy to the truth of the society’s origins. The 88 are invisible to the world, never revealing themselves to any but other members of their group. Only #1 has any direct contact with the “mundane world,” in the task of recruiting members of the 33rd Path.

THE 33RD PATH are the foot-soldiers of the 88, the agents and acting arm of the secret society. They are not full members of the 88, though are sometimes recruited into the membership body. Each soldier is given a code name when recruited into the Path. While some members of the Path have jobs and lives in the mundane world, many are full-time adventurers and soldiers.

Members of the Path are recruited from the mundane world based on a variety of factors, often nothing more than convenience - right place at the right time, that sort of thing. Recruits are made or broken on their first mission: surviving an assignment form the 88 is the only guarantee of continued membership. Continued membership always translates into more experience, more skills, and of course more missions. About the only way to get out of the Path is to die or fuck up really badly. Most people say you’d rather the former than the latter.

Some previous members of the Path have been “sanctioned” by the 88. Usually this simply means they are drummed out of the corps. But it often refers to more severe disciplinary actions. Occasionally a sanctioned member will be returned temporarily to the fold, usually because their specific skills or talents are needed for a particular mission. On these occasions #1 will assign at least one other agent to keep an eye on the sanctioned member.

Those recruited to full membership in the Path are technologically or otherwise altered to enhance their physical and mental abilities. Enhancements include nanotechnology, psionics, and magical powers.