King Aelfys

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The youngest king to ever sit in rule over Midhe, Aelfys was elevated to the throne when his father choked on the bone of a roasted fowl. Aelfys is said to be advised closely by two of his father’s most trusted men. Still, there are those in the kingdom who are made uneasy by the youthful and inexperienced Aelfys, who has never proven himself in combat. His policies of increased tolerance and commerce with the zealots of Prydain are not popular. Many fear that the king’s life may be in peril. Without an heir to secure the future of Midhe, the death of Aelfys could prove a terrible event for all of Eíre. A few Satiric Bards have begun singing tales which allude to a young and weak king, overtaken by those he trusted most.

Aelfys as Patron

Aelfys has agents throughout Eíre, in almost every major city and even in the Outlands. Though this is a widely known fact, his patronage is still kept secret.

Total cost: 8 points. (Extremely powerful individual, 20 points. Frequency of appearance: Quite rarely, x1/2. Provides equipment in excess of starting wealth, +100%. Special Abilities (Pardon, License, etc.), +50%. Minimal Intervention, -50%. Secret, -50%.)