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Arch Prior: Elected by and from the Curia to lead the Church for a term of life. Can be impeached.

Ascendant: A mortal who has ascended to a higher state of being; often becoming one of the archetypes in the four houses of the gods, but sometimes a lone unaligned actor.

Curia: Council of church leaders who set Cannon law, interpret doctrine, appoint bishops, archbishops, and elect the Arch Prior of the Church

Methuselah: A mortal who has dramatically extended his life through magic or divine intervention. (At least four spells or elixirs allow this, and a mage of Talent often turns his endeavors to pursuing this in their later years.)

Talent: A person of significant magical talent (magery or imbuement level 3, or other significant talent)

Traditions: Seven schools of thought to pursuing magic. Thaumotology must specialize in a given tradition. The traditions mark the magical theory as that tradition understands it. (see

GURPS: Church and State