Fred Tangerine

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Fred has been friends with [[[Kamil Khan]] since their undergrad days at The Tech. They used to stay up late drinking cocoa and coffee, talking about science fiction, dreaming about other worlds. Fred is one of the few professionals who took Khan's wild ideas seriously. They have worked closely together for years. Fred is also one of the founders and permanent fellows of the Chaos Institute.

Fred’s history at The Tech is legend. He arrived as a mathematics major. Carrying more than a full load of classes, he managed to complete his BS in mathematics in 3 years. He continued to his post-graduate studies, picking up his masters in math - along with a BS in physics - just short of three years. Fred then began his PhD work in mathematics, involving topography, surreal numbers and higher math understood by maybe seven people on the planet.

Fred is known for his quick and inventive mind. One story often told of him is how he took an interest in mirrors and decided to invent a mirror that gave a true image free of any distortion. He first proved mathematically that it could be done, then set about to design and manufacture a prototype. To do so Fred had to learn lens and mirror grinding from optical engineers who build systems for interstellar astronomy. Fred was a quick study and soon had created a mirror which produced a true image with no distortion. Through the able business management of his friend Khan, the crafty invention produced more than $10 million in technology licensing fees.

In 2001 Fred had a breakdown and began experiencing delusions. He claimed that while vacationing in Mexico he had been abducted by aliens. The aliens modified his brain and returned him to earth. They are able to communicate with Fred using lasers, which they fired into his brain from another dimension. Some of the ideas Fred has generated as a result of these transmissions have been worked into Khan's parachronics experiments. Fred is in fact essential to Khan's research. He may think he's talking to aliens, but Fred's mind and computational skills are as sharp as ever. For his part Khan believes that Fred is experiencing some form of epilepsy and that the ideas are examples of Fred's unearthly genius.

The money and the grace of his friends keep Fred alive. He has always had difficulty with ordinary life, and after his “encounter” with the aliens he found daily life to be almost impossible. He is not completely helpless, but may forget to eat for a day or two if immersed in a project. A network of friends and relatives and well-wishers makes sure that Fred keeps himself fed and healthy. His earnings from the mirror licensing are managed by a trust controlled by K2 Investment Partners and the Chaos Institute.

Fred has often shared a residence with Emilio Gonzago. The two have known each other since 1989; after Khan, Gonzago is Fred’s oldest friend. Fred is also closely acquainted with Emily Brandeis.