Artificer Toolkit

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A chest of tools and other items for the beginning artificer.

Primary Toolkit

Tools (40.75 pounds)

Item (Quantity) Value Weight Reference
Auger $24 4.00 lb LT29
Awl $10 0.25 lb LT29
Brazier $65 3.0 lb LT33
Candle, Beeswax (10) $90 10 lb LT33
Draw Plate $50 2.00 lb LT30
Drill, Bow $8 1.00 lb LT28
File $45 1.00 lb LT30
Firebow $5 0.75 lb LT35
Iron chisel $20 0.75 lb LT30
Level $15 4.00 lb LT43
Measuring Rod $5 0.5 lb LT43
Oil Lamp (enclosed) $20 2.0 lb LT33
Pens, Bone (4) $1 neg. LT46
Pen, Bronze $4 neg. LT46
Pliers $15 1.0 lb LT30
Saw $20 3.0 lb LT30
Shears $65 2.0 lb LT30
Smith's Hammer $30 2.5 lb LT30
Tongs $40 3.0 lb LT30

Materials (16 pounds)

Item (Quantity) Value Weight Reference
Cloth bags, 1 c. (6) $1.50 neg. LT34
Cloth bags, 1 q. (4) $3 0.4 lb LT34
Cord, 3/16” (10 yd) $1 0.5 lb B288
Enhanced Tinder (10) $20 1.0 lb LT35
Glass bottles, 8 oz. (4) $6 1.6 lb LT34
Ink $2.50 1.0 pint LT46
Ink Stone $20 2.0 lb LT46
Leather (25 sheets) $8 1.0 lb LT46
Oil, for lantern (1 pint) $2 1.0 lb B288
Papyrus (50 sheets) $12 1.0 lb LT46
Rope, 3/8” (10 yd) $5 1.5 lb B288
Rope, 2/4” (10 yd) $25 5 lb B288

Other Items

Additionally, usually crafted and given to graduates by the Maester Kanin himself, a small wooden box and cloth bags containing the boards and pieces for two popular board games: Khata, which is similar to Backgammon, and Kala, which is similar to Mancala. Sheets of papyrus with the rules to each game are also included.