ZNG102 The Journey to Lo Pan

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Wenshan Ren, an archer, joined our group. Baishan (White Mountain) Village is our next stop; we expected it may take as long as a month to get there. There we would join others who will fight against Lo Pan. Shung Jiao Zhang gave me a Healing Potion. The swordswoman, Shung Hua, joined us as well--her sister was one of the many abducted.

Our first major stop, Kuanchang Village, was about three days to the east along the Zuo River. After about a week we hit the Yu River. At Kuanchang we ran into the Imperial Captain that we'd met months ago while investigating the bandits dressed as Imperial guards. He'd never found the culprits. He showed us a map; we determined to follow the river east, then cut north to Kuanchang.

The journey, as expected, was not without peril. We were jumped by six red-sash swordsman and two red-sash archers. We prevailed, but Shung Jiao took a nasty arrow to the chest. After a few days rest and two of his healing potions, Shung Jiao was well enough to travel. We made it to Litang the next day.

During another skirmish of which I was not a part, Shung Hua was abducted. At least we thought she was abducted. She was reported taken and her body not found. I couldn't help but feel responsible. But, an opportunity to avenge and possibly rescue her sister was something I couldn't deny her.

At Li Tang Village, we were given a healing potion by the village elder. Along with what we already had, this meant we had: two healing potions, two health potions, one pain resistance potion, one universal antidote, one water bowl.

While traveling east along the river, we were jumped by five red sashes: two bowmen, three broadswordsmen. We defeat them, but Toad and Ren are in bad shape. I send Shung Lo to a nearby village, the Long Su Village (1 to 1.5 days away), for help. I wanted to save their heads for Shung Jiao, but Lo talked me out of it.

Shung Jiao returned with some men from the Long Su Village, home of the Re Clan, and with there help we carried Toad and Ren to the village where they could recuperate. After about two weeks, we'd overstayed our welcome. Ren was not yet up to full strength, but he was well enough to travel. Toad's recuperative powers are amazing; even though his wounds were near fatal, he was fully recovered by the time we left Long Su. It's becoming clear to me that Shung Jiao's presence earns us no small measure of respect. If Jiao was with us, I think we would have been allowed to stay until Ren was completely healed.

The next village we encountered was Darong village, home of the Say Clan. They gave us a healing potion and a sleep ointment. Ren was able to rest here and made it back to full health.

Next, we found ourselves in the rather large Ching Way village, home the Qun and Kang clans. They were far more supportive than previous villages, especially the Qun clan which gave us a Keen Sight, a Healing, and a Speed potion; the Kang clan give us an Invulnerability potion. Four men from the Qun clan joined us for five (of the ten) days up the Li River, which would eventually get us to Baishan.

We passed through the Ching Mei Village home of the Huan Clan; they provided food and water. Shung Jiao's absence was felt once again.

After five days of journeying together, we parted company with the four men from the Kang Clan. We expected that Guilin, an Imperial Outpost, would be about three days ahead.

We pass through the Do Village, home of the Nyung Clan; they provide is with food and water. Where was Shung Jiao?

U02May10 Shung Jiao was to find us in the next village. Our inventory: three healing potions, two health potions, one universal antidote, one keen sight potion, one invulnerability potion, some sleeping ointment (and some death magic of Shung Jiao's). Also, 20 rice balls.

Out group reunited, we resumed our journey north towards Baishan and the villain m We hike along the Li River for two days. We arrived at Guilin, an Imperial (Han) stronghold; it had been taken by Wu forces. Shung Jiao learns they, the Wu, are attempting to usurp the current Han dynasty. We avoid the Wu and continue north, unsure how this significant political development might be involved with Lo Pan's designs.

When we finally reached Baishan, we were delighted to find it full of volunteer forces. We announce who we were and met with Master Bao. He said the Wu made a canal; that is how they got their ships into our lands--the Xian flows into the Yang Si river. Master Chen of the Red Tiger Temple had said we would meet Shen Don who would guide us to Lo Pan. Master Bao gave us the following: a Five Elements Talisman which was given to Lo, a Willowshoot Necklace which was given to Toad, a Tou-Ren Spirit Stone (Earth Elemental) that was given to Jiao. He told us we would have to continue a bit further north, to the Chang Xia Village.

We had heard the the Wu were pressing able bodied men into military service in their campaign to over through the Hu Dynasty. Unfortunately, it would be impossible go avoid the Wu as the Ling Chu Canal, run by Wu, stood between us and our destination. We conducted ourselves as simple rice farmers and they let us pass. Now we were going down the Xian River. We were in Wu lands and it felt different. Because if the diversion of the volunteer army, we didn't encounter any Wu soldiers. There was a brief encounter on day four, but they fell for Shung Jiao's charms and some rice balls.

We arrive in Chang Xia, but after the city gate had been closed. With no Imperial currency to pay for a room, a guard at the wall suggested that we camp nearby for the night. So the next morning we sold our rice, then got a room at the Jade Comfort Inn. Then we went to the Golden Plum Tea House. We were even more out of place here than in the market, but Shung Jiao managed to ask some locals about Shen Don. He and Lo made contact with a group of three Tiger Crane warriors who might know of him. One is Wing Car Won.

Of great person interest, the warriors knew of Tiger Lu! One of them was a student of the Red Tiger master who was killed by Tiger Lu.

Our second morning in Chang Xia, we found Shen Don's grandson is at the metal sharpening factory. He said to return that evening. We did and the young Shen leads us to his grandfather.

On the way, we see the Red Sashes attack a funeral procession. The Red Sashes are the Wing-Kong; the Gold Dashes are the Chang-Sen. The Wing-Kong attacked a Chan-Sen funeral procession. We avoided this melée. While I would have loved to have dispatched some Wing-Kong, this battle was not why we had come here.

Shen Don was happy to see us. He knew where Lo Pan was. The Wing-Kong Shipping Company is built over Lo Pan's burial site. It is about a day and a half journey east of Chang Xia along the river. There are many rituals Lo Pan must undergo to lift the curse placed upon him by the first sovereign emperor. At some point, he will marry a girl with green eyes and become flesh. That is when he could be killed.

That evening we went to a martial arts demonstration. For the finale, Master Lo, who was skilled in blind fighting, never showed up. He was found murdered. Shung Jiao talked with his spirit and found he was killed by Tiger Lu. Unfortunately, it was imperative that we keep a low profile, and my companions insisted that now was not the time to pursue Tiger Lu.

I must comment about Shung Jiao's ability to speak with Master Lo's spirit--while it provided much appreciated information, it was a most disturbing thing to witness. Ren and Toad were especially disturbed by the procedure and it left Jiao completely exhausted. Jiao's contributions on our quest had been invaluable, but his motivations seemed to be becoming increasingly less noble.

See Also

ZNG102 The Journey to Lo Pan

Shung Li | Zhuang