Technology in the 1960s (Dark Jazz)

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Tech Level

Tech Level: TL7+2. This indicates the highest available technology in the campaign world.

General Tech Level: TL7. This indicates the most commonly available technology as well as the technology possessed by the average citizen.

Details and Exceptions


  • TL7 gas turbine; nuclear power; photovoltaic cell.
  • TL8 advanced battery; computer-integrated power plant; wind farm.
  • TL9 micro fuel cells; high-temperature superconductors.
  • Superscience: Broadcast power, ocean-thermal electric conversion (OTEC).


  • TL7 chemical fertilizer; hybrid crops.

Arms and Armor

  • TL8 blinding lasers; unmanned combat vehicles.
  • TL9 electrolasers; heavy laser weapons.

Biotechnology and Medicine

  • TL7 artificial heart; organ transplants.
  • TL8 artificial fertilization, laser surgery.


  • TL8 global wired telephone network; local-area radio wireless telephone network.

Information Technology

  • TL7 computer; high-speed press; television.


  • TL7 integrated circuits; laser; transistor.
  • TL8 rapid prototyping.

Material Science

  • TL 7 composite materials, plastic, superconductors, titanium.


  • TL7 nuclear submarines; jet aircraft; helicopters; manned space flight.
  • TL8 satellite navigation; SSTO (“single stage to orbit”) spacecraft.
  • TL9 robot car; air car.


  • All technology above TL7 is LC3 at minimum.
  • All lethal ranged firearms are LC3. Additional permits are required to legally carry concealed firearms.
  • All lethal laser weapons technology is LC1.
  • All vehicles with powered engines (including aircraft and boats) are LC3 for operation. Commercial vehicles may require additional permits and licensing.


  • In most cases, a permit to operate LC3 technology may be listed as a 1-point Perk. Each type of equipment requires its own license or permit to operate. Example: to legally own and use a handgun requires a 1-point Perk (Handgun License); an additional permit license may be required to own a rifle.
  • Permits to own or operate LC2 technology may require background checks. The GM may require a Duty or Rank in order to legally own or operate LC2 equipment. Individuals with a criminal record or history of mental instability are not allowed to own or operate LC2 weapons and may be restricted from other equipment.
  • Technology classified LC1 is available only to various world governments and their agencies.
  • For the purposes of the campaign, all magic items should be considered LC2. Though there is no established body for licensing or permits (and certainly not for the registration of such technology), obvious magic items or even interesting-looking artifacts will usually be seized by law enforcement. Most seized items are turned over to the OSI or World Science Council, whose Weird Technology Division investigates claims of supernatural artifacts.