TL11 Everyman Lens (5 points)

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You were not raised by wolves; you live and breath in a TL11 society.

Optional (using disadvantage and unused points): Appearance (Attractive) [4].
Optional--choose one: Appearance (Unattractive) [-4]; Sense of Duty (Individual) [-2]; Sense of Duty (Small Group) [-5].
Area Knowledge† or Current Affairs/TL† (E) IQ [1]
Optional (using disadvantage and unused points)
Area Knowledge† (E) IQ [1]
Computer Operation/TL (E) IQ [1]
Current Affairs/TL† (E) IQ [1]
Hobby† (E) DX or IQ [1] (or a suitable substitute, e.g. Gardening, Poetry, a Sport, etc.)
Housekeeping (E) IQ [1]
Piloting/TL† (VERTOL, i.e. aircar recommended) [1]
Swimming (E) HT [1]

† These skills require specialization.


Area Knowledge

Your Home Town
Your Home Planet
Your Home System
Your Home Coordinates the 500 pc wide area (one hex on the United Federation of Planets Map) that contains your home system
Your Home Sector usually six coordinate points
U.S.S. Merlin
Aurora Station
Aurora Colony
Aurora III
Aurora System
Coordinates 2901 the 500 pc wide area (one hex on the United Federation of Planets Map) that contains the Aurora System
Aurora Sector Coordinates 2801, 2802, 2901, 2902, 3001, 3002 which contain the Aurora, Briareus, and Mecca Systems

All of these choices include basic knowledge of the Human, Vulcan, Andorian, Rigellian, and Alpha Centauran homeworlds

The Sagittarius Region The blue colored region on the United Federation of Planets Map which contains the Cygnan and Prellarian homeworlds and borders Kzinti and some of Klingon space
The Old Frontier Region the red colored region on the United Federation of Planets Map which contains the Brecon and Mynieni homeworlds and the Aurora Colony
The Corporate Region the gold colored region on the United Federation of Planets Map which contains the Arcturan and Orion homeworlds and borders Tholian and a small part of Romulan space
The Phoenix Region the purple colored region on the United Federation of Planets Map which contains the Federation - Klingon border
The Saga Region the green colored region on the United Federation of Planets Map which contains the Tellarite homeword and borders Romulan space
Federation Space the above five regions, but without any knowledge beyond Federation borders.
Milky Way Galaxy not the entire galaxy, but all of Federation Space and what we know of Klingon, Kzinti, Tholian, and Romulan space

Current Affairs

From B186: Business, Headline News, People, Politics, Popular Culture, Regional, Science & Technology, Sports, Travel.


For a list of Star Trek appropriate recreational activities, sports, and games, see the Memory Alpha article on recreational activities.


Vertol an aircar is the standard personal vehicle for a TL11 citizen
Aerospace not really an "everyman" skill, but the wealthy sometimes own a shuttlecraft and know how to pilot it
Automobile poorer individuals, collectors, or lower tech level areas might drive groundcars instead of aircars
Motorcycle poorer individuals, collectors, or lower tech level areas might drive motorcycles instead of aircars

See Also

Starfleet Academy Template (39 points) | Action Lens (5 points) | Adventure Lens (10 points) | Hero Lens (-20 points)

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