Shung Jiao Zhang

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Shung Jiao Zhang


An ill-tempered but charismatic witch doctor from Qinglun Village who thirsts for knowledge of herbal and spirit lore. He is adept at the manipulation of air and lightning. While seeming callous and impulsive, he is dedicated to justice and serving the people of Zhuang.

Notes from the Travels of Shung Jiao Zhang

Journey to Southern Mountain Monastery. We travel to Southern Mountain, where we encounter two demons who engage us in battle. We barely escape with our lives, but the spirits guide us. Southern Mountain however is not so lucky. The monastery was burned by a fire sorceress, and several teachers and students were slain.

Journey to Red Tiger Temple. We learn of Lo Pan. He will need to marry a green-eyed woman after harvest at the end of the new year. Fangs are being used to terrorize the people and insure obeisance to Lo Pan. Are the Wu people loyal to Lo Pan?

Leaving Red Tiger Temple. On the return home we encounter Red Sashes and a fang.

Cave of the Venerable Old Grandfather. At the village of Honge-ye, the old witch doctor Pao analyzed the herbs taken from the witch. The witch doctor reports that the mixture can create a powerful potion known as Death, which causes almost instant death and can be administered orally or dipped on a weapon. He will craft the potion and have it ready at the end of harvest month. Shared dream with my cousin Li leads us to the valley of the Venerable Old Grandfather, which is hidden in the mountains to the southwest. The grandfather was the first witch doctor of Zhuang. There the cousins bested the spirits of two Five Elements warriors as a test of honor. Jiao then applied ointments of Keen Sight and Hearing, then sat with his cousin to meditate. The spirit of the venerable old grandfather tells us to rest and fills us with power. Near a small village along the way to the valet, I learned of the “red leaf,” a bitter herb which has mild stimulating effect not unlike tea. At home Old Hsu gives me three healing potions.

The Vision of the Battle of the Village near Kuanchun. Warriors from Kuanchun tell us of a small village in trouble. We shared a pastille of Foresight to see what lies ahead of us. The vision showed us that the fire sorceress who destroyed Southern Mountain Monastery, along with the fang Shu-sui, an armored Red Sash warrior, and a half-dozen or so Red Sash regulars.

The Battle of the Village near Kuanchun. Having foreseen the presence of the sorceress and the demon, we did battle at the village. We defeated many warriors, and the sorceress as well. Two of the dreaded fang were present, and both fell at our hands. A young warrior named Hua joined us, as did Toad’s brother.

We returned to our home for the month of harvest. While my cousins helped in the fields, I took communion with the spirits, and made many elixirs of healing. After the harvest, before we departed to continue our mission to defeat Lo Pan, the spirits guided a Miao archer named Ren to join us in our journey. Along with young Hua we set out for the Imperial Outpost.

Journey to the Imperial Outpost. We set out for the Imperial Outpost, stopping by Kuanchun on the way, where we are served a fine meal. We make our way to the small village near Kuanhun, where we fought the fire sorceress and the fangs. There are a few villagers there, who welcome us with great honor. We continue to the outpost, where the captain allows us to consult his maps. His advice helps us as we plan the journey to lands less familiar to us. Along the way we encounter many Red Sashes, who nearly kill me.