Carstairs (Mirror) Mission Report

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Carstairs (Stardate 3702.17)

Mission summary: Neo-beef and moa production on Carstairs are below Imperial standards. An army marches on its stomach, and an Empire even more so. At the order of the Emperor, we are to investigate the cause of this disturbance and improve conditions.

In the service of the Emperor, I took two loyal officers to the colony planet to aid me in discovering the cause of this shortage. Ensign Atomsk, who has accompanied me on several mission previously, went along to assist me in my investigation. Ensign Slovinsky, a veteran of Federation Rescue operations, accompanied as support and medical officer. Unsure of the local conditions, and knowing ISS Merlin would be outworld for several days, we took a wide complement of equipment and supplies.

Governor Ellen Rollins provided ample quarters and facilitated introductions with the principles. Later the governor saw that she had failed to keep production to Imperial standards and offered her resignation. She honorably aided the transition of power to Lieutenant Governor Jon Hopkins. Acting-Governor Hopkins moved swiftly to ensure a quick recovery from the effects of the drought. Ensign Atomsk worked closely with Hopkins during this transition.

Lucas Watkins, President of the Arizona Ranchers Association, proved most helpful in the investigation. Watkins is a long-time colonist of the planet and close associate of former Governor Rollins. While Watkins has experienced great difficulties and conflicts with the farmers, he is a businessman and loyal citizen of the Empire. Watkins agreed to put off hostilities while I located the leader of the farmers and small-operation ranchers.

Once contacted, Butch Champion, rancher and president of the Southern Arizona Ranchers and Farmers Association, proved invaluable in communicating with the farmers and owners of small ranches. Champion had previously determined the needs of farmers and small-operation ranchers. While cautious and skeptical initially, Champion quickly warmed to the advantages of being a friend to the Empire.

All parties agreed that it was in the best interest of Carstairs to continue serving as a beef production center for the Empire. Similarly, everyone agreed that the current conflicts among ranchers and farmers - especially coupled with drought conditions - was not conducive to fully and loyally serving the Emperor. To that end, all agreed to cooperate and determine a course that would best serve the needs of the Empire.

Ensign Slovinsky conducted extensive background research by interviewing locals and accessing published reports. We determined that an administrator in the agriculture department, Ryan Myers, had an adequate understanding of the drought and its effect on beef production. Using the data Myers had accumulated, I was able to devise a plan that would restore water supply to the farms without negatively impacting beef production. Unfortunately Ryan Myers was not as willing to serve the Emperor as others were. Through the course of investigation, it was determined that Myers suffered severe psychological problems and had been involved in deviant activities.

Myers' data however proved sound. We created a government commission to administer the use of local waterways for irrigation of farming and grazing land. This commission will consist of two representatives from Carstairs (one from each of the two associations mentioned above), two Imperial representatives, and the Lieutenant Governor. While this move was not necessary, it was determined to be more expedient than militant action: the local population is heavily armed and quite stubborn. This commission, controlled by and existing at the whim of the Emperor, will provide the comfort of local administration while still operating under Imperial governance.

While it will take at least 1-2 seasons to determine fully, Carstairs should be on the road to beef production above previous levels. With additional resources, the possibility of mining water from nearby moons or planetoids increases the likelihood of success.

Filed by: Sub-Lieutenant Qal Ahote, ISS Merlin