Avondale City

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Physical and Magical Environment

Population: 63,000 (+2 Search)

Terrain: Plains

Appearance: Attractive (+1)

Hygiene: +1

Mana Level: Normal

Enchantment Level: Rare

Culture and Economy

Language: Common, French

Literacy: Accented

Tech Level: TL5

Wealth: Struggling

Status: 0

Political Environment

Government: Feudal Oligarchy

Control Rating: CR4 (-1)

Military Resources: $4,950,000

Defense Bonus: +5


  • Avondale is the former seat of the old barony. It maintains a great deal of economic power in the lands of the old barony, though has little influence among the free cities of the eastern frontier. The ruling families still maintain the old feudal hierarchy, with authority and importance varying among the various locales. Baron Giroux, the current ruler of Avondale city-state, maintains close ties with the various barons and viscounts spread throughout the land. These relationships are key to maintaining trade within the old barony.
  • The city-state claims territories 40 leagues to the east and west, incorporating Mari as the easternmost town in the barony. The northern border lies 50 leagues north of the town, extending past the Avon River and bordering Hill Country to the east. The southern border is historically established 50 leagues to the south, extending deep into Hill Country. For all practical purposes the southern border is 30 leagues south of town, as constant conflict has forced the rulers of Avondale to concede over 20 square leagues of territory to the Hill People.