The most populated and powerful of the nations, Midian abounds in natural resources, including considerable mineral wealth located in the Northern Mountains. Its central location on the continent has led to Midan being a kind of “crossroads” throughout history. The result of this is a diverse and tolerant culture that values personal freedom as well as social obligation. Hundreds of miles of coastline, both along the Great Sea and the Pangan Gulf, have contributed to a strong seafaring tradition. Even land-lubbers piloting lake boats in central Midian fancy themselves sailors, though they may never see the high seas.
Midian is unsurpassed in the production of iron and steel. The smiths of Old Midian mastered the creation of bladed weapons, particularly the broadsword and ax (each of which remain popular weapons). Steam engine technology was first developed in Midian, resulting in the nation being the first on the continent to advance the progress of industrialization. The first railroad is currently under construction in Midian, with a goal to cross the nation in twenty years. The first rail line connecting the capital city of Alconar to Logan City in the north has been in operation for nearly five years, and a rail line connecting Avilla to Logan City was recently completed. Midian officials hope to eventually extend rail service into other nations, allowing increased trade and travel between (and among) the lands. Iron and steel implements for both cooking and agriculture are a major commercial export.
Midian was the first nation to master gunpowder production (though the knowledge was gained from Abaddon) and excels in the development of firearms. Long-arms are quite common and hunting wild game is enjoyed by most people, especially those in rural areas. The carrying of sidearms is restricted in most towns and cities, though the extent of the restriction (complete bans, regulations regarding concealment, “peace bonding,” etc.) varies among locales.
Feudal Republic
The Church is a monotheistic theology focusing on ritual and personal revelation. It is the primary source of education, administrating a form of public schooling for most of Midian. The scholarly order of the Church has contributed to much of the technological advancement of Midian.
Common Midian is spoken across the continent as a lingua franca of trade and diplomacy. Church liturgy and older Church documents may be written in High Midian, and the two forms default to/from each other at -4.