Prime Team Standard Issue Equipment List

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By order of Commander Thorsson, the following lists of equipment will be issued on all off-ship duty assignments.

General Issue

In all instances of official duty off ship, personnel will be issued the following equipment:


Light monocrys suit. +1 to HT rolls to resist the effects of temperature, chemical and biological agents. -1 on rolls to spot with infrared or thermograph. DR8 (DR2 vs. impaling), 5 lbs.

Starfleet Survival Watch

A heavy-duty wristwatch built to survive in extreme environments. It includes a biomonitor, a radscanner, a chronometer, a GPS receiver, an inertial compass, a magnetic compass, a homing beacon, and a tiny computer with a small 2-D display (about one square inch). The watch is usually voice controlled. It is waterproof, and can survive 10 atmospheres of pressure or a vacuum. It is powered by a small flywheel battery that can be recharged by body motion. If not worn, it goes to sleep for up to five years, turning off all functions except timekeeping. A vigorous shaking will power the watch up to full operation. Starfleet-issue survival watches also include a radio communicator (range 250 mi) operating only on restricted Starfleet frequencies and a cellular communicator capable of interacting with most planetary data networks. 0.5 lbs., B/3 months. LC4.


Determined by department or specialization. See below. Data tricorders are issued to non-specialized personnel.


Phaser-1. Standard hand phaser. In situations of known or suspected hostility Phaser-2 may be general issue.

Standard Issue

In all instances of official duty off ship, personnel will be issued the following equipment by department, specialization or function. This equipment may augment or replace equipment from the General Issue list.


Universal Translator. Includes database of all registered Federation languages. Provides comprehension of unknown languages after 10 minutes of exposure to that language.


Engineering Tricorder. +4 to all Mechanic rolls. Hardened against EMP.



Tactical Tricorder. +4 to detect and identify life forms, weapons, armors, etc. Includes a comprehensive database on these and other security or tactical subjects.


Science Tricorder. +4 to scientific skill rolls.

Geology Tricorder. +4 to geology-related skill rolls. Has enhanced range capabilities that allow it to penetrate/sense minerals or rocks at 10x normal range, but does not have the ability to scan for living beings, organic tissue, etc.


Medical Tricorder. +4 to all medical-related skill rolls. +4 to Physiology rolls; if programmed in advance with the data for a given species, this becomes a +10 to Physiology rolls for that species. Hand-held cordless attachment must be within one foot of the patient for these bonuses to take effect.

Special Issue

In some instances of official duty off ship, personnel will be issued the following equipment by department, specialization or function. This equipment may augment or replace equipment from the General Issue list. Use of this equipment is subject to the approval of the Operations Chief, Executive Officer, Officer of the Day, or Mission Commander.


In situations of known or anticipated medical emergency, Crash Kit and other medical equipment may be special issue.


In situations of known or suspected hostility Phaser Carbine or Phaser Rifle, Tactical Tricorder and/or Tactical Visor may be special issue, along with Monocrys or Ablative body armor.

Restricted Issue

Demolitions materials, explosive devices, and other materials or equipment not listed above are subject to restricted issue conditions and procedures. Use of these materials or equipment requires approval of Chief of Operations, Executive Officer, or Commanding Officer.