The Island (Wild World)

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Very little is known about the island. It is not found on any maps. Its exact location was classified for many decades due to its use in secret military operations.

The island is mountainous and thickly forested, with numerous ravines and canyons. It is covered with a lush subtropical laurel forest in its lowlands and dense temperate rainforest in its highlands.

Surrounded by deep waters with counter-currents, the island is continually hammered by strong waves and currents; leaving few places for a safe approach by boat. The local sea features populations of hammerhead sharks, rays, dolphins and other large marine species.

A number of hot springs are located near the center of the island.

The peak area at the western end of the island is a volcanic field composed of over 200 volcanoes, primarily made up of basaltic cones covered with vegetation.

The highest peak is located at the eastern end of the island.

Highest Point: 3,624 ft (1,106,76 m)

Lowest point: Sea level

Length: 40 mi (64.37 km) NW-SE

Width: 10 mi (15.63 km) SW-NE

Area: 287 sq mi (744.55 sq km)

Biomes: Temperate, Mediterranean

Geology: Alkali Basalt, Tephra, Trachyte, Trachybasalt

Orogeny: Volcanism

Period: Holocene