GURPS Gladius Arcana

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Campaign Background

Campaign name: Gladius Arcana

Starting year: 1011 AUC (258 CE)

Genre: Sword & Sandal

Realistic or cinematic? Cinematic

General theme of campaign: Gladiatorial combat, adventure, and daily life in the Roman Empire

Are there multiple planes of existence? Yes

Campaign World: Roma Arcana (see GURPS Fantasy, pp. 195-232)

Campaign’s base city, nation, empire, or planet: Mediolanum

Society/government type: Imperial Republic

Control Rating: CR4

Tech level: 2

General mana level: Normal

Do areas of higher/lower mana exist? Yes

Brief description of important neighboring powers, political/economic situation, etc.:

Information for PCs

Players are advised to adhere as closely as possible to the Gladiator template found in GURPS Martial Arts: Gladiators (p. 28) or GURPS Fantasy (p. 215).

Starting point value allowed for PCs: 150

Disadvantage limit (including Quirks): -75

PC races allowed: Human

Especially appropriate professions: Characters are property of Quintus Didias Severus, owner and proprietor of Severus Circus & Games.

Starting Wealth: $750

Starting Wealth levels allowed: Wealth (Struggling) is required for beginning characters.

Starting Status levels allowed: -2

Starting TLs allowed:

Languages available: Latin is the lingua franca of the Empire, with Greek being spoken and read by most educated citizens. Slaves should choose their native language (free) as well as ensuring at least Broken proficiency (1 point) in spoken Latin. Most slaves do not read Latin, but Severus is known to provide tutors for his best slaves, so any slave also wishing to read Latin may do so. Only those slaves who are chosen to be scribes or business aides may be taught Greek.

Cultural Familiarities available:

Advantages, Disadvantages, and Skills

Required Advantages: Patron (Severus) [30]. A powerful individual (10 points) who is quite accessible (12 or less) and who provides equipment no more valuable than starting wealth (+50%).

Required Disadvantages: Duty (Extremely hazardous; 12 or less) [-15]; Status -2 [-10]; Social Stigma (Valuable property) [-10]; Wealth (Struggling) [-10]

Especially appropriate Advantages: Code of Honor (Gladiator). See GURPS Martial Arts Gladiators for description.

Especially appropriate Disadvantages: Bully; Callous; Compulsive Carousing; Greed; Lecherousness; Overconfidence; Reputation; Stubbornness

Especially appropriate Skills: Current Affairs (Sports), Esoteric Medicine, Games (Roman Gladiator), Performance, Savoir-Faire (Ludus), Sex Appeal, Surgery

Disallowed advantages, disadvantages, and skills:

Appropriate Patrons, Allies or Contacts: Patron Quintus Didias Severus is required, and any other patrons would be proper. Allies are disallowed for beginning player characters, but Contacts are permissible.

Special Abilities Allowed for PCs

Exotic/supernatural traits: Disallowed for beginning PCs.

Cinematic skills: Disallowed for beginning PCs.

Are PC mages allowed? No.

Are PC psis allowed? No.

Are PC gadgeteers allowed? No.

Rulebooks and Resources

GURPS Basic Set 4th edition

GURPS 4th edition Low-Tech

GURPS 4th edition Martial Arts

GURPS 4th edition Martial Arts: Gladiators

See also

GURPS 4th edition Fantasy for information on the Roma Arcana setting.

GURPS 3rd edition Imperial Rome for background on the historic Roman Empire as well as greater details on society and daily life.