Ishimaru Katsurou

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Lord Ishimaru Katsurou, the eldest son of the Ishimaru clan at 36, came into inheritance of his father's estate two years ago along with his younger brother, Ishimaru Tetsuo. As the eldest son, he inherited the majority of his father's holdings including most his estate and status. He is a serious minded and religious individual, and can often be found praying to the various kami when not preoccupied with his other duties. He detests Buddhism in all its forms, and claims it to be a self-centered religion that neglects the spirits that contribute to every day life.

At the age of 23 Katsurou married Hisaka in a marriage arranged by his father and an allied Lord in the southern lands. This marriage strengthened the bonds between the two lords. Much to Katsurou's vocal distaste, Hisaka is a devout Buddhist and quite impetuous, often meddling in his affairs and going so far as to humiliate him in public (A particularly sore subject being a rather heated game of Go played between them. To this day Katsurou maintains Hisaka was playing with komi and had counted it twice). Despite it all, he still loves her, for her body if nothing else, and would do anything to protect her. Should anything happen to her, surely the bonds between the Ishimaru clan and the southern lord would break.

On the battlefield, Katsurou is a fierce warrior. He studied intensively in Bajutsu, incorporating Naginatajutsu into his style. He prefers to take a defensive role, waiting for his opponent to tire out and then striking with a fierce blow. He's also a highly gifted leader, and desires to become a great general. However, his strong feelings against Buddhism and the foreigners who bring it with them along with his fierce warrior-like nature have put him at odds with the current flow of coming times. Still, as in all battles, he knows there is a time to conform and a time to strike.