Infinite Echo

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Infinite Echo is the computer that serves as the "brain" of the Tower of Light. It is a megacomputer (UT 22) integrated into the Tower of Light, whose core is some 18,000,000 cubic feet in dimension. It is a genius, hardened, high-capacity, quantum computer with extra storage capacity (UT 23). It is therefore a Complexity 14 computer with 5,000,000 exabytes of storage capacity. All other computers used by Tower of Light personnel, both at the tower and outside the tower, are linked via quantum-encrypted neutrino communicators. It can further call upon these computers for distributed processing capability.

Infinite Echo runs several dedicated AI systems to control all manner of life support, power and resource distribution, and defenses in the Tower of Light. It also runs a small army of robotic drones to assist with supply distribution, cleaning, and maintenance. Human operators at times assist Infinite Echo in carrying out and improving these functions. Infinite Echo does not maintain connections to the Lewis Sphere biocomputers or pilots, though all of their sensory information is recorded and uploaded to Infinite Echo upon their return, following a series of safety measures to prevent alien infection of the system.

Infinite Echo's non-volitional, learning AI interfaces with human operators at the Tower of Light. Humans with cybernetic computer and interface implants can interact with Infinite Echo anywhere on the tower through thought alone. Users without such cybernetics can send commands to Infinite Echo via thought, speech, or tactile interface. Infinite Echo can send information back using visual, audio, and/or olfactory means. These can be projected holographically or onto any surface in the Tower of Light, which can also serve as a screen that can be manipulated by thought or touch. Infinite Echo can project screens or holograms into the electromagnetic spectrum at ranges above or below the normal human visual spectrum, and create audio at frequencies above or below what humans can hear. Users with HUDs can have Infinite Echo project directly onto those.

There is some debate as to whether Infinite Echo demonstrates volitional ability. If it does, it is not well-understood, and does not demonstrate anything like human volition. The Infinite Echo at the Tower of Light is a descendent of the model first created by Datalite engineers in the twenty-first century.