Technology in the 1920s (Dark Jazz)

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Advances in electrical engineering spurred by Nikola Tesla's inventive progress have resulted in a technological and economic boom for both America and Europe. While early in the decade Germany's economic future seemed uncertain, the Dawes Act and American industrial investment seem certain to restore the country to economic self-sufficiency. American diplomatic efforts in Japan and China promise to forge new international trade alliances, sure to boost the economy to new heights. The future seems bright, for the most part. There is however a growing shadow, a dark force which seems to be gaining power around the world. This force is manifested by the surge of interest in black magic and the occult, and is given further power by cultists and others who worship dark gods and summon malevolent forces. Only a few are aware of this force, the majority of the world happily distracted by the pleasures of the Jazz Age.

Tech level


Exceptions to general TL

  • Communications: TL7
  • Electrical Power: TL8 (fuel cells & advanced batteries)
  • Mechanical Power: TL7 (gas turbines)
  • Automobiles: TL6 (some TL 8 battery-driven prototypes)
  • Railways: TL7 (diesel & electrical)

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla secured the patents for radio by 1900 and created the first radio network in 1902. By 1924 there are several national radio networks featuring a variety of entertainment and education programs. Local radio, mostly news and information programming sponsored by labor unions and citizen groups, proliferates in most urban areas and some rural locales. Tesla has sponsored experiments by Scottish engineer John Logie Baird attempting to create a system for transmitting moving images.

Tesla's successes in electrical engineering logically resulted in other technological advances. Most automobiles and trucks are gas-powered, but powerful electric engines will soon be available for personal vehicles. Most large cities have electric trains, while interstate rail is primarily diesel-driven.

Airships are commonly seen in the skies of both America and Europe. They are primarily used for domestic air travel and cargo shipment. Dirigibles provide daily round-trip air service from Los Angeles to San Francisco. A cross-country trip from San Francisco to New York makes stops in Denver and Chicago. The revolution in airship technology was provided by the advent of lightweight steel alloys for the dirigible frames.

This new steel technology, designed and manufactured by Rheingold Industries of Germany, also contributed to mass production of small lightweight airplanes, leading to a civilian aviation boom. Commercial aviation also began to blossom in the 1920s, with more efficient engine and aircraft designs allowing for longer flights.

Recommended Reading