The Secret Files of Elaine Baxter

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December 31st

Kirlian Photograph of former and now ghostly resident, Calvin Alden (unconfirmed)

The Alden party was certainly interesting! I'd always heard rumors about the paranormal activity taking place there, but I never expected anything quite like this. To be honest, any mission the government sent me on paled in comparison to what I found there. I mean, I caught a picture of an actual ghost! I always knew they were real, but I can't believe I caught actual hard proof on day one! I'm pretty good at this!

Also, I found some pretty weird radio thing. It had some strange crystals on it and apparently it was going to send us to an abyss or Hell, or whatever. Of course, I wasn't worried. I'd love to see how I'd fair against a demon. I bet I could take one down easily. I think everyone blames me for it, but that's not very fair. It's not a paranormal investigation if you just leave the paranormal things alone! Better we took care of it now than wake up the next morning getting our faces munched on by some weird tentacle-faced rats or something (not that anything like that could ever exist. HA! Could you imagine?). I also think they weren't very happy when I shot the thing. I don't know why. Obviously, if the thing is supernatural, it's not going to just shatter with a bullet. It's a great way to test if it is, though. Either you know it's supernatural, or you're rid of the problem. Win-win if you ask me.

Oh yeah, there were other people there too. There was guy named "Kuranes." What kind of name is that, I have no idea. I think he is a little crazy. Maybe he's possessed by a ghost or something? I should try to get a good picture of him, maybe I could find out. Although, if anyone would know, it's the huge Indian man named "Jinda." I mean honestly, what's with the weird aliases here? It's like the agency all over again. Anyway, Jinda seems to be able to see ghosts and possess himself with them and stuff. Possessing one's self with ghosts also seems to be something him and Kuranes share. Maybe they're related somehow?

I like Lisa Chan. She seemed pretty friendly. According to her, there's something odd in the pool. Not sure how she knows that, but considering how we were already attacked in that house, I don't like it. These "Prometheans" need to get their act together. One attack here is excusable, but if this pool is also possessed with some murderous wizard or the Loch Ness monster or something, I'm gonna have to insist we move our base of operations elsewhere. Hopefully we can investigate on that. I want to just blow the thing up, but maybe I've destroyed enough of their property for one day.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the other guy was a private investigator named Jonathan Angel. He seemed rather gruff and hard-boiled, but a lady could get used to it! He seems to have some psionic power like I do. I think it will end up pretty valuable for us, and in fact it already has.

I think that was it. OH! Also, they seem to have some weird mana generators or something in there. That's pretty neat. It would be nice if they could make something for us psionicists as well, but I guess they don't work the same. I'll have to ask Holmes.

Well, I think that about sums that night up. Ms. Carter should be here any day now. I can't wait to meet her! Bye for now!