Things to Do in Wicklow When You're Dead

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1. Piracy. Any man who can bear a sword, thrust a spear, turn an oar, or even good a good meal can find service aboard the vessel of a buccaneer. Some ships pay daily wages, but all who serve aboard may expect a share of any loot. Pirate ships are somewhat like floating democracies, and captains are not tyrants but professional seaman who serve at the behest of the crew. See GURPS Fantasy p. 69 for information on the organization of a pirate ship.

2. Thievery. Worse than piracy because it can get you hanged, thieving is safer as a day-to-day occupation because it's usually done on dry land. If you're in a city, as long as you've paid your dues to the local guild you can operate with relative impunity - just mind whose purse you cut, and keep an eye out for would-be heroes. In the country, a fast horse is your best bet for avoiding the noose. A thief usually has few or no partners, so doesn't have to share the loot.

3. Physical Labor. There's always need of a strong back, and almost every job requires one. If you've a skill with horses or livestock, you can make as good a living as the best thief, and usually spend the winter months relaxing in comfort. It's tiring work, and the hours are long. There's no status or fun in the job, but it also won't land you in the dungeon or at the business end of a whip or rope. Most jobs give an unskilled person the opportunity to learn the basics of masonry, carpentry, and even armoury.

4. Healing. The Devastation bruoght with it a strange plague, a sickness which seems to drain people of their energy and eventually results in their deaths. The druids are mystified and unable to cure the plague, only treat its symptoms and ease the suffering of those who have succumbed to the later stages. Fortunately the disease doesn't seem to pass between people and affects only those who have been in the Outlands after the devastation. The young and healthy are either immune or able to recover if treatment is delivered early, but for the elderly and infirm it is a death sentence. The first signs of the plague are nausea, followed by open sores and hair loss. A gradual wasting begins and several ordinary illnesses can become deadly. Most people seem to die drowning in their own humours and coughing up blood and bile. Because of this disease, known as Outlands Plague or Redlung, there is great demand for anyone in the healing profession. The hours are terrible, but the plague is not communicable so the job is safer than thieving or laboring. Plus, in most towns and cities, working as a healer gives you social status and provides a very good income.

5. Adventuring. You can't swing a dead ferret in Wicklow these days and not hit a mercenary. Most of them tell wild tales of adventures in the Outlands, but few seem interested in venturing beyond the walls of the city. Most will say they are wisely reluctant to contract redlung ad dare anyone who mocks to breath Outlands air for one day. Man of these former soldiers have turned to piracy or thievery on occasion. Those who are reliable can find steady and lucrative work escorting trade caravans through the northern mountains. One group of former warriors took up service aboard a ship, protecting the cargo and crew from pirates.