GURPS: Church and State Martial Styles
Martial Styles
Many martial styles are used and taught in Church and State. Mages make good use of those styles that support the staff spell on their weapons. Note alternate rules for Staff spells under GURPS: Church and State Magic. Any of the following would be acceptable: (in order they appear in MA)
Armatura Armatura Equestrius Boxing dagger fighting escrima (developed by wizards for use with short sticks with staff spell) shillelagh (same, use African Stickfighting) knightly mounted longsword fighting archery masters of defence polearm fighting (for use with dueling polearms using the staff spell) pankration poleaxe quarterstaff (or other staff styles, there's enough variation that any of them would be fine. Staff fighting is a fine art in Argoth) savate shortsword spear (any) sword and buckler sword and shield FICTIONAL styles deatfist (or something similar is not unheard of from magical styles incorporating HtoH for melee spell use) smasha (really only the