U.S.S. Merlin
Starfleet Kestrel Class light cruiser (modified experimental prototype)
Current Assignment
Experimental prototype program. The Merlin has been fitted with additional weaponry and an experimental warp drive. The ship is also capable of semi-automated to fully automated operation, with the ship’s computer handling navigation and/or tactical duties. The Merlin is currently assigned to patrol duties in the Aurora Sector.
Complement: 175 (28 officers + 147 crew).
Officer Cadre: 8 Senior Officers, 20 Junior Officers.
Divisions: Command, Engineering, Medical, Operations, Sciences, Security
Captain Bernard Scott, 40-year old human male from New London, Connecticutt, Earth. Served as first officer under previous commander, Capt. Christopher Joy. Entered Starfleet service: 2221. Grew up a sailor and fisherman. Attended Starfleet Academy with Chris Joy, former commander of USS Merlin. The two have been friends since. They have served together twice prior to the Merlin: Scott was a security officer aboard the USS Kestrel (2224-28) and chief of security aboard the USS Valley Forge (2228-2232). Scott began his Starfleet career as a pilot and navigator but was severely wounded during the Earth-Klingon war (2222). After recovering from his injuries, Scott took a one-year hiatus from Starfleet (2223-24) before returning to serve as a security officer aboard the USS Kestrel (2224-27).
Senior Officers
Chief of Operations & First Officer: Commander Joli Sennit. 30-year old human female from San Francisco, Earth. Entered Starfleet service: 2226. Daughter of Commodore Paul Sennit (Starfleet Command). Joli is hard-working, a mature and seasoned Starfleet officer.
Chief Medical Officer: Commander Doctor Fiona Adora. Entered Starfleet service: 2234. 36-year old Alpha Centauran female. Recently joined service as part of “Starfleet Professionals Program,” which seeks to diversify SF service by offering officer commissions to various Federation member species. Those joining under this program receive a service rank based on equivalent experience. Adora is a notorious partier and male-chaser, said to have a lover in every port. She can drink anyone under the table, has a poker face carved in stone, and is said to be adept in several martial arts.
Chief of Security: Commander Aaliyah Saif Malak Zubaida. 28-year old human female from Arabian Nation on Earth. Entered Starfleet service: 2224. Graduated SF Academy at age 19. Completed combat additional training and served 2 years with Federation Marines. Devout Muslim.
Chief of Engineering: Lieutenant Commander Wiley Rogers. 29-year old human male from Mars Colony 3. Entered Starfleet service: 2228. Previously assigned to Utopia Planitia, where he worked under the supervision of Moira Kelly Ahote. Nobody knows the Merlin and its systems better than Chief Wiley.
Chief of Sciences: Commander Amaya Amandla. 35-year old human female from Africa, Earth. Entered Starfleet service: 2236. Possesses doctoral degrees in biological and chemical sciences. Also studied geology and astronomy at graduate level. Published several papers on exobotany and exobiology. Received one year of training at Federation Leadership College. Joined Starfleet through Professionals Program. Though the Merlin is her first assignment, her reputation and education more than qualify Amaya for leading the sciences division.
Chief of Marine Detachment: Major Honorious Xavier Bastile, Starfleet Marine Corps. 32-year old human male from France, Earth. A.k.a. Major Notorious, Major Bastard. One of the hardest, toughest, and most demanding commanders in the Federation Marines. Also one of the best. Marines fight to serve under Bastile. Classically educated as a young man (memorized Von Clauswitz at age 13), Bastile served with distinction during the Klingon war and was decorated numerous times.
In 2237 the Merlin underwent a special refit as part of an experimental program. A revolutionary computer core was installed which allows for all of ship’s functions to be controlled by the computer and also provides a 4x increase in processing power and 10x memory capability of the previous ship computer. Additionally, Merlin-2 series warp nacelles were installed, allowing cruising velocities up to warp 8.1, with emergency warp capability extended to warp 9.1.
See also
STA main page | Warp Factors | Ship Sensors
- Starfleet Museum - An outstanding resource by Masao Okazaki. (Note: Not all information on the Museum web site is canon to our campaigns.)