The Search for Gaelen's Lóegair's Wyrd Stone

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Tuesday, 7 April 3098 – Cathal's Keep near Wicklow, The Outlands


Today was the day we had set aside to delve into the tunnels and cavern's behind Cathal's Keep to recover a wyrd stone that Gaelen Lóegaire had hidden there. We expected it to be cool and devoid of weapon wielding foes, so I girded myself with my cloth armor, my leather helm, and my backpack. Tom was no where to be found. It would just be me, Tristin, and Cormac.

The back door of Cathal's Keep opened into a central dwarf-hewn room with three doors: ale stores, mead stores, and Cathal's valt. Cathal had also employed the dwarves in making a hidden safe room and a hidden valt for Gaelen.


The first secret room we found turned out to contain six crates of the great sage Gaelen Lóegaire. Three contained clothing, and three contained strong boxes of dwarven construction. Cathal didn't have the key(s) and we decided it wasn't worth destroying the finely made strong boxes on the chance they might contain information about where Gaelen had hidden his wyrd stone.

There was a trap door in the floor. About 20' down there was a narrow passage.

To the left it lead to a room with about half a dozen bedrolls and stores--grains and dried fruits. While it wasn't obvious how long ago the room had been used, the food stuffs couldn't have been more than a few weeks or months old. There was a hidden door in the room that lead to a smaller empty room. There was also a locked door; the door was imposing--metal bands, extremely strong wood. It became clear we wouldn't be able to open it in a timely fashion. Dwarven craftsmanship is not to be overrated.

To the right it lead to a hole in the floor. Another 20' drop into a natural cavern. Continuing past the hole lead to a cave in.


A set of heavy barred double doors marked the entrance to the caverns. Beyond them was a natural corridor and a putrid smell. The smell grew more and more repugnant and appeared to be coming from some kind of yellow fungus. I soon discovered this fungus could cause a rather sever itching, but cleaning it off the skin with wine seemed to help.

See Also