Haven's & Hells

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The second age is in progress. The world is Hell, populated by the agents of chaos, Civilization survives in Havens scattered throughout the land. This is a mini-setting that appears in Pyramid 3 issue 89 by Sean Punch. If you don't have access to this article I can provide it to you as a game aid. The players in this game are Collectors who are responsible for going out into Hell and returning with the resources the Haven lacks, be that stone/metal/wood or magical artifacts from an age long past.

Character Creation

Characters are experienced Collector's (however strange). They are responsible for heading the commands of the Haven Elders and the gods of civilization. Collectors are Dungeon Fantasy explorers built on 250 points templates with wilderness training and the collector meta-trait. Please use the following guidelines when creating a character.

1. Build 250/50/-5 point adventurers: Any DF1: Adventurer template (Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Holy Warrior, Martial Artist, Knight, Scout, Wizard, etc.), The incantationist (DF19), and the Musketeer/Demolitioner. Template

  • Take liberties as long as you follow the spirit of the template

2. Add the 5 point collector meta trait from P3/69 "Havens & Hells"

3. Add the wilderness training lense from Dungeon Fantasy Wilderness Adventures (p.5)

Your final point total should be 270 + a maximum of 55 points from disadvantages and quirks. Starting wealth is $1350

Signature gear gives $500 a level and protects the 1 item it purchases

  • If the item you are purchasing with signature gear costs less than the money you get, feel free to put the rest into equipment (the extra equipment is not protected)
  • after character creation signature gear protects 1 item for 1 point

Please use Low-tech for armor and weapons


  • The Incantationist is not allowed to purchase the Adept and Field Caster advantages
  • Incantationists and wizards are subject to all the restrictions in Dungeon Fantasy (See P3/60 Wizardry Redfined)
  • Certain wildcard skills, along with their bonuses (PU7) are allowed, ask before you take them because they might need to be changed
  • If you decide to use a shield, use Low Tech's shields and track damage to your shield
  • Ignore the limitation on Extra Attack about multiple strikes with the same weapon

Useful Things

  • Collectors are expected to bring things back to Havens, without pack animals the collectors have to it themselves. Consider buying wheelbarrows, travois, sleds, etc. Dungeon Fantasy Wilderness Adventures is a great resource
  • If you die without 25 unspent points or an extra life you lose all free points plus 1% of your current point total per missing point (I decide what you lose or what disads you gain). Better safe than sorry, neglect extra lives at your own risk
  • Hell is wilderness, to get to dungeons you have to be able to get through the wilderness (everyone gets the wilderness trained lense but Hell is harsh.)

Gameplay Information

Since there is not money, acquiring gear is done out in Hell or by petitioning any of a particular Havens Elder(s)

  • Bringing back resources or accomplishing an Elders task will give bonuses to influence rolls to get specific gear from Havens
  • Food and basic equipment for an adventure is provided under most circumstances upon asking
  • Not all Havens are guaranteed to have the equipment you want, though most will have mundane equipment (rope/wheelbarrows/camping supplies/etc.)

Other Stuff that I thought I'd use but decided not to

I had put a lot of thought into all the changes I thought I might want to make but decided that I can live with big damage dice and high spell levels. I'll list the changes here in case anyone actually agrees with me, but I doubt I'll decide to use them unless everyone wants it.

  • Magery caps spell level for all generalist casters
  • Non-incantationist casters use tally (base tally 30, recovery twice base tally, +1 tally is 2pts/lvl)
  • Maximum of 1 rapid strike per turn (to make extra attack worth the 20 points)
  • No School Grognard reduced swing damage in Dungeon Fantasy, with the hopes that Monsters and Collectors alike aren't pulverized too quickly as to ruin the fun[1]