GURPS: Dark Energy
Campaign Background
The year is 9838. Humans have colonized the entire Local Supercluster, and have begun branching along the galactic filaments into the neighboring superclusters, and the population of this sprawling empire is counted in the quintillions. Purebred humans represent a tiny percentage of the population (numbering in the millions) and can no longer reproduce, but all remaining humans appear to no longer age or die of old age. All humans alive today are thousands of years old, and it is said the King of the Universe was born on Old Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy 7,500 years ago. Humans have colonized thousands of galaxies, with human civilization stretching the entirety of the Laniakea Supercluster, and expanding into several neighboring superclusters. No intelligent life or traces of intelligent life have been found in any of these galaxies. The bulk of the people inhabiting this vast kingdom of mankind are transhuman, with most being considered superhuman. Unlike humans, however, none of these successor species are capable of of effective immortality, and remain in lower castes than pure humans.
Campaign Name: GURPS: Dark Energy
Starting Year: 9836
Genre: Far Future Sci-Fi
Realistic or Cinematic? Realistic
Are there multiple planes of existence? Unknown
Mana Level: ???
Campaign’s location: Laniakea Supercluster and Neighboring Superclusters
Society/Government Type: Monarchy
Control Rating: CR6
Exceptions to General Control Rating: Natural born humans generally have few restrictions imposed on them.
Tech Level: TL12
Information for PCs
Starting Point Value Allowed for PCs: 246 (200 + the Spartan template, BT74)
Disadvantage Limit (Excluding Quirks): -100.
Quirk Limit: -5
PC Races Allowed: Spartan/Modified Spartan
Attribute Limits: 18 ST, 15 DX, 15 IQ, 15 HT; 20 Per, 20 Will. Secondary attributes such as HP, FP, BS, and BM follow the guidelines for realistic games in Chapter One of GURPS Basic Set: Characters.
Especially Appropriate Professions: Intergalactic Police
Base Wealth: 0 ($100,000)
Wealth Levels Allowed: -1 to +1
Starting Status Levels Allowed: 0 to 1
Starting Rank Allowed: Police Rank 1-2
Languages Available: Intergalactic Standard, English, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, etc.
Advantages, Disadvantages, and Skills
Spartan Template: BT74
Especially Appropriate Advantages: Any engineered traits from Bio-Tech.
Especially Appropriate Disadvantages: All PCs must take Pacifism, Self-Defense Only (Only Against Humans) [-5] as well as Duty (King, 15 or less) [-15]
Disallowed: All Exotic, Supernatural, and Cinematic advantages, disadvantages, and skills. This includes Trained by a Master and Weaponmaster.
Are PC Gadgeteers allowed? Yes, but not cinematic Gadgeteers
Martial Arts Styles
Aikijutsu, Boxing, Jeet Kune Do, Judo, Jujutsu, Karate, Sambo, Muay Thai, Savate, Tae Kwon Do, T'ai Chi Chuan, Taijutusu, Wrestling, Wushu
Escrima, Fencing, Kenjutsu, Fairbarin Close Combat Training, MCMAP, Quarterstaff, Bojutsu, Jojutsu, Shortsword Fighting, Sword-And-Buckler, Taihojutsu
Books and Resources
GURPS Basic Set
GURPS Martial Arts
GURPS Ultratech
GURPS Social Engineering
GURPS Power-Ups 2 - Perks
GURPS Power-Ups 3 - Talents
GURPS Mass Combat (if needed)