Andromeda Galaxy
The Andromeda Galaxy is a giant spiral galaxy, and the nearest large neighbor to the Milky Way Galaxy, the home of the human race. The Andromeda Galaxy is one of the most populous galaxies in the universe, with over a quadrillion residents spread across some 10,000 inhabited star systems. It served as the capital of the Kingdom of Mankind before the King's Galaxy was colonized and the capital moved there in the 6701. The Andromeda Galaxy hosts a class 8 black hole, which greatly expanded humanity's reach beyond the class 6 black hole present in the Milky Way.
The Andromeda Galaxy is the home of the Intergalactic Standard language, where it was was created by the Royal Linguistics Institute at the King's Colony in 5830. While the language has morphed over the centuries, the people of the Andromeda Galaxy still speak the original dialect, now referred to as Andromedan. It is mutually intelligible with Intergalactic Standard, but it can be difficult for non-Andromedans to understand when native speakers speak fast and make heavy use of idioms and slang.
The administration of the Andromeda Galaxy is overseen by Count Roald Selassie, a human of the Royal House.