Old Frontiers Sector

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The Old Frontiers Sector is the common name for an area of space that includes some of the oldest surviving human societies. A number of the planets have historically maintained their independence and resisted the formation of interplanetary government or other organization.

Name Type Gravity Pop. TL CR Society Starports Trade Class Mana Level Notes
Acropolis Earthlike 1.15G 7.3B 11 3 Athenian Democracy Class V (orbital), Class III (3) Ag, In Unknown Several universities. Clones & genetic research. Exports food, some industrial equipment. Imports gems, radioactives, other minerals.
Alhambra Hostile terrestrial 86G 4.2M 11 4/6 Corporate Class III, Class II Ex Unknown Pleasure domes. Assorted casinos, amusement parks, theaters, arenas, etc.
Al-Jebel Earthlike 1.04G 16M 6 5 Theocracy Class III N/A Unknown Neo-Muslim culture organized by patriarchal clans. Private prison complex operated by Summersun.
Badlands Hostile terrestrial .68G 500K 11 2 Criminal oligarchy Class IV, Class II (private) Ex Unknown Outlaw sanctuary. Mineral resources unknown. Exports Kill-Crazy drug. Heavy importer of all goods.
Bannar Earthlike 1.04G 8.7B 11 5 Theocracy Class V, Class III, Class II (2) Ag Unknown Materialistic theocracy. Exports agricultural products. Imports most minerals. Significant iron mining among nearby asteroids.
Bollux Earthlike .81G 630M 11 4 Corporate Class V Ni Unknown Trade hub. Shipping and corporate center. Exports emeralds and silica products. Imports most goods, especially metals and plastics.
Byte Hot rockball .98G 9.57M 11 6 Corporate state Class V In Unknown Computing technology & information center.
Carcosa Rockball 1.14G 0 N/A 0 None None N/A Unknown Dead world in the Deerstalker nebula. Suspected criminal rendezvous/refuge.
Carstairs Earthlike .93G 700M 9 (11) 1 Feudal Class III Ag Unknown Ranch world. Exports grain & meat. Imports agricultural equipment.
Cretaceous Terrestrial greenhouse .94G 30K 11 2/1 Athenian democracy Class III N/A Unknown Large reptiles (“pseudosaurians”) are dominant native lifeform. Tourism industry, mostly pseudosaur hunting safaris. Some petroleum & radioactive materials mining.
Drayhoah Earthlike .82G 9.5B 11 5 Theocracy Class 11, Class V In Unknown Exports manufactured goods (and religion). Imports a variety of minerals.
Dunsel Earthlike .78G 1.3M 3/11* 1/5* Tribal/Clan Class III Ni, Po Unknown Society of low-tech clans. High-tech banned outside starport.
Gith Rockball .33G 5,600 11 4 Bureaucratic Class II Na, Ni Unknown Restricted due to gravitational anomalies. Research stations administered by Escott Institute. All weapons strictly prohibited.
Hali Rockball .85G 15M 11 3 Representative democracy Class IV Ex, In, Na Unknown Exports large quantities of metals. Imports foodstuffs and organics.
Hamish Earthlike .85G 120M 11 2 Representative democracy Class V In Unknown Exports radioactives and heavy metals. Imports light metals from Hali.
Lorn Earthlike 1.18G 530M 11 4 Representative democracy Class IV In, M Unknown Exports some industrial equipment.
Nautilus Earthlike .76G 1.5B 11 4 Representative democracy Class IV (2), Class IV (orbital) Ag Unknown Surface water 87%. Exports seafood and other ocean products. Several oceanic research institutes.
Pleroo Earthlike 1G 21.6M 11 3 Athenian democracy Class V, Class III (5) Ag Unknown Breadbasket of the Old Frontiers. Headquarters for many corporations.
Quentin Earthlike 1.03G 375K 5(11) 2 Tribal nomads Class III In Unknown Desert planet with high winds. Substantial mineral export anticipated in near future.
Redugun Earthlike .96G 64.3M 10 3 Feudal Class III (2) Ag, In Unknown Agricultural and mining economy. Exports include steel, copper, lumber, fine furs.
Roentgen Earthlike .86G Unknown 0 0 None None N/A Unknown Entire planet radioactive as result of TL8 war.
Sheba Earthlike .97G 780K 11 4 Monarchy Class III, Class IV In Unknown Exports radioactives and some industrial metals.
Sinbad Earthlike 1.03G 103K 10 4 Bureaucratic technocracy Class I, Class III Ag Unknown Ocean-based economy. Various research institutes.
Summer Earthlike 1.05G 12M 11 3 Military bureaucracy Class III (2), Class IV M Unknown Governed by mercenary co-op. No exports except manpower. Agriculturally self-sufficient.
Survias Earthlike 1.05G 9.6B 11 6 Bureaucratic dictatorship Class IV, Class V Ag Unknown Exports food and some organics. Dictatorship enforced by “health police.”
Talisman Greenhouse .88G 180K 10 3 Socialist Class II, Class III In Unknown Mining planet. Exports radioactives, crystals, and metals. Imports mining equipment.
Terra Nouveau Hostile terrestrial 1.06G 6,200 11 4 Corporate Class II (2) In Unknown Mining planet. Summersun training facility.
Von Berg Rockball .46G 17,500 11 4 Corporate Class II, Class III In Unknown Exports radioactives and a few light metals.


Some information adapted from the Space Atlas series of books published by Steve Jackson Games.