GURPS: Demonlands

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The island known as the Demonlands.

The Demonlands are located on a wind-swept island that lies at the extreme north of Pangaea Discordia. People of the Demonlands are a hardy breed who exist mostly at a TL0 level of technology due to the malign dominance of a race of demons who destroyed the previous TL2 civilization.

Basic Information

Campaign name: GURPS Demonlands

Starting year: Approximately two hundred years after the destruction of civilization

Genre: Realistic or cinematic? Grittematic

General theme of campaign: Dark Fantasy

Are there multiple planes of existence? Yes.

Campaign Background

Campaign’s base city, nation, empire, or planet: The Demonlands (North Island, Pangaea Discordia)

Society/government type: Anarchy

Control Rating: 0

Exceptions to general CR: Unknown

Tech level: TL2/-2*

Exceptions to general TL: Due to historic events, most people of the land live at little better than TL0 technology. However, remnants of previous TL1 and TL2 civilizations may be found and are even common in some areas near old abandoned cities.

Brief description of important neighboring powers, political/economic situation, etc.: Many centuries ago these lands were populated by many people. They built cities and traded with other civilizations to the south. Then the demons came and the world changed. The cities were destroyed and the population decimated, all for the entertainment of these malign creatures.

Information for PCs

Player characters are members of a tribal village located at the northernmost point of the island. Characters must belong to one of the six professions listed below or have other skills sufficient to surviving within the tribal community. Note that magic is feared and forbidden in most areas; mere mention of sorcery can sometimes arouse suspicion, and only Storytellers are tolerated a modicum of leniency in this regard.

Starting point value allowed for PCs: 100

Disadvantage limit (including Quirks): -40

PC races allowed: Human

Especially appropriate professions: Artificer, Farmer, Fisher, Hunter, Merchant, Storyteller

Starting wealth: $250*

Starting Wealth levels allowed: 0

Starting Status levels allowed: 0

Starting TLs allowed: TL0-2

Languages available: Human

Cultural Familiarities available: Human

Advantages, Disadvantages, and Skills

Required advantages, disadvantages, and skills: Choose at least two: Area Knowledge (Demonlands), Current Affairs (Headline News), or Weather Sense. Choose at least one: Brawling or Wrestling.

Especially appropriate Advantages: Danger Sense, Fearlessness, Unfazeable

Especially appropriate Disadvantages: Hoplophobia, Manaphobia, Necrophobia, Scotophobia, Technophobia, Teratophobia, Xenophobia

Especially appropriate Skills: Survival (any).

Disallowed advantages and disadvantages: Luck and all other supernatural advantages and disadvantages.

Restricted skills: Any skills related to magic or occultism (such as Hidden Lore or Occultism) are restricted to Storytellers. Hidden Lore (Technology) is restricted to Artificers.

Appropriate Patrons, Allies or Contacts: N/A

Special Abilities Allowed for PCs

Exotic/supernatural traits: N/A

Cinematic skills: N/A

Unusual Background cost(s) for these abilities: N/A

Legal or social restrictions on these abilities: N/A

Magic and Psionics

General mana level: Unknown

Do areas of higher/lower mana exist? Unknown

Are PC mages allowed? No.

Are any of the spells from Chapter 5 off limits? Yes. All of them.

Are PC psis allowed? No.

Are any of the powers from Chapter 6 off limits? Yes. All of them.

Are PC gadgeteers allowed? No.

Rulebooks and Resources

GURPS Basic Set 4th edition (required)

See also