GURPS: Church and State Races

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General fantastical wildlife and races

The four PC non-human races are the Gani, Scali, Merghast, and Trevan. Other races possibly encountered include the breeds of Reptilemen, Dogmen (gnolls), Balfries, Bullmen (minotaurs), Ogres and Trolls. The four demi-humans (and common belief says others as well) can freely interbreed with humans with varying success. Most half breeds add the prefix D' to the name; e.g. D'gani, D'scali, etc. Demi-humans can fall anywhere between the racial profile below, and human norm (i.e., a D'trevan could have anywhere from 15 ST to 10 ST) depending on the the strength of the racial blood. Generally the stronger the ads you have, the stronger the disads too. (Meta-game- if you're looking to play a 1/2 breed, send me what you're looking for.)

The Quani study of animal magic and alchemical elixirs (hybridization and fertility) allowed them to breed both hybrid races and animals. They apparently had fairly advanced understanding of this even before they came to Argoth. Many of the more experimented minded mages out there occasionally dabble in such an experiment, which may be seen on the battlefield, found as a manor hall guardian, or just run into in the forest. Some of the more successful results have been griffins, hippogriffs, basilisks, woolens, milkfish, hardings, bushwolves, harpies, and others which can be found through Argoth. Most lords post bounties on the more dangerous ones and reward those who bring in a token proving the death of such a creature. Naturalist skill covers these as most have been around a couple of thousand years and are considered part of the ecology.

Dragons- There are many legends of fierce, intelligent, giant dragons that parlayed with man, or ravaged his towns. Skeptical Argothians don't always believe these, but almost everyone believes in drakes and wyverns. Wyverns are no smarter than dogs, but carry a vicious poison. Drakes are not much larger, and many have remarked on the the resemblance between them, and a Reptile man with wings. While drakes have shown to be cunning, there is no evidence that they are spellcasters or diplomats of dragon legend.

Lycanthropes may come from their magic, or from the union of Enus and Draef.


The Gani carry a long stigma as the favored caste under the Quani. The Gani today have lost much of the cultural heritage from living in the marginal areas between towns for nearly 2000 years. Today, they are a TL2 society with social hierarchy being mostly tribal. Metal working is almost unknown among them, but they make good use of items they traded for. Their astronomy and farming is top notch, but they are almost completely illiterate with an oral tradition. Gani make some of the best mages at plant, animal and weather spells. Tribes have totem creatures that they have usually domesticated and turned into helpful pets. Many Gani bond with their pet in a way similar to a Familiar. The Gani tribe in Rotbrueck is the Fox Tribe (and their foxes are 50 lbs hunting machines- bought as an ally). Other tribes in the area include Ibex, Lynx, and Boar. Boar would likely get you killed on sight in Rotbrueck as they raid their lands often. Gani tribes are easily identified by the tattoos they receive during their passage to adult hood. Small Gani bands, called Ans, roam the country side in their tribal area in groups of 5-25 from Vernal equinox to autumnal equinox as hunter-gatherers. During the winter, the tribe comes together in the Hal'An for trade, protection, wife swapping, courting, and generally lasting through the cold months. In the first part of the Empire of Man, Gani who stayed in one spot for very long could expect to find an army riding to their location. Today, most peasants couldn't even tell you why Gani are call traitors, nor why so much folk wisdom goes into not trusting them.

Some Gani do go work with the 'rock foots' for a while. Gani face social stigma (barbarian) and some general intolerance due to perceived racial crimes committed long ago, but many a country lord finds them invaluable as trackers, huntsmen, verderers, Stable Master, or Dog Trainer. The Fox Gani are usually tolerated in Rotbrueck, but all Gani face prejudice in the more settled areas. Gani typically will be regarded as status 0, unless they have a position of higher status. The wild ones just visiting will typically fall outside of the system and most people won't know how to react to them. Gani neighborhoods in larger cities is not unknown, but they are generally outcasts from Gani society, and sometimes several generations removed. They may have no connection to their woodland cousins. Gani speak a dialect derived from Quani, with regional variations. Most of the Central Kingdom Gani can understand each other, but a Fox meeting a Nor'gani Sea Lion would be hard pressed to find a common word.

Ampul and the House of Light are very poorly regarded by the Gani. Enus is prime, followed by Draef. Gani tribes war (raid mostly) regularly against other Gani tribes. They regard the rock foots almost as just trees or rivers within their land, but best to be avoided. Taxing them is almost impossible. Frontier farmers can expect to trade with them equitably, but if they cheat them, they can also expect to be killed outright. In lean years though, raiding any farmstead is fair game, and many a chicken-coop has been ravaged by a Fox fox. Bloodfeuds are for life, and cannot be stopped unless the village elders step in. Scalping is a common way of showing victory in combat, and the concept of counting coup is also common. Tattoos are used widely to show clan affiliation and personal history/accomplishments. Gani are 4" shorter than a human of the same ST, and 15 lbs lighter. They tend to be very wiry in build. Dark skin is very common, with shades of brown and olive complected common. Gani have pointed ears, almond shaped eyes of green or brown color, and a graceful and striking appearance. Gani primarily use hand axes (including throwing and hatchet), knives, spears, staves, and composite bows. Wpn master is limited to these items.

Gani 15 or 20 pts.

  • Attribute Modifiers: ST-1 [-10]; DX+1 [20]; Per+1 [5], Will+1 [5].
  • Advantages: Attractive [4]; Magery 0 [5]; Extended Lifespan 1 [2]; Longevity [2]; Talent (Outdoorsman [10] or Green Thumb [5])
  • Disadvantages: Low TL (-1)[-5]; Sense of Duty (Nature) [-10]; Bloodlust [-10]; Social Stigma (Barbarian) [-10].
  • Racial Skill Bonuses: +1 to Bow [2].

- Silence, catfall, perfect balance, telescopic vision, parabolic hearing, and peripheral vision are all common in Gani and need no further justification to take as advantages.




The Trevan came as one of the warrior castes of the Quani clan Travi, which is where their name comes from. Trevan were widely successful, except or breeding. They have trouble becoming pregnant, but once pregnant, they Trevan rarely have trouble with carrying the baby to term, or giving birth, but mothers are lucky to bear more than one child. Trevan are slow witted by nature, and rather hidebound, but make formidable fighters. In a straight run, on open fields, the fastest can even keep up with a horse. Many a lords dream is to have 10 of these guys in heavy armor to charge enemy lines. Trevan look much like humans, only eight or more feet tall, with large bony hands that land tremendous blows, and a sloping brow. However, they vary remarkably, and some trevan have only one eye, two heads, or other unusual features do to wild magical mutations. Trevan are generally private, preferring the solitude of their homes. They can be unexpectedly dangerous if roused. Most Trevan have very “human” personalities but are uncomfortable in human lands, where all the furniture is built for midgets. Trevan resent being compared to ogres. They react very poorly to that race, and to anyone who mentions them in any but the most disparaging terms. Unfortunately, many smaller beings mistakenly believe the biggest difference between the two races is that Trevani aren’t as ugly.

Calculate height based on ST before adding the racial +5, and then increase it by 1/3. Weight is 4 times that of a man of the same ST (again, before the racial bonus). Trevan rarely congregate into groups larger than an immediate family, and have no society of their own. They often live on the outskirts of human settlements in woods or hills and barter their strength and size for food, metal instruments, and other items, meeting with their own kind infrequently in the outlands to barter and pass news. A Trevan can cover a great deal of ground on foot and can range widely. Trevan prefer simple weapons and hide or leather armor. They can rarely afford to buy good metal weapons for their size.

Trevan 46 pts.

  • Attribute Modifiers: ST+5 (Size, -10%) [54]; IQ -1 [-20]; HT +2 [20].
  • Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM +1; Speed -0.25 [-5].
  • Advantages: Acute Taste/Smell 3 [6]; Damage Resistance 2 (Tough Skin, -40%) [6]; Enhanced Move (Ground) 1 [20]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Bony Hands (treat as claws (hooves), i.e. adds +1 per die to damage for punches and gives hands +1 DR) [3].
  • Perk: Penetrating Voice [1].
  • Disadvantages: Bad Temper (12) [-10]; Shyness (Severe) [-10]; Social Stigma (Oversized Barbarian) [-10]; Stubbornness [-5]; Ham fisted [-5]; Low TL (-1) [-5]; Hidebound [-5].
  • Quirks: Hates ogres, and being compared to ogres [-1].
  • Racial skills: Brawling at DX+1 (2)

Trevan can freely buy extra arm, head, leg, or other similar attributes. Unnatural bony features are common, horn, growth or whatnot.

Reptile Men & others

I'm using the templates from Banestorm for the creatures described above. They're not available as PCs, so don't worry about the stats too much.

GURPS: Church and State