Teague macTeague

An athletic young warrior with dark eyes and auburn hair, with a raven-shaped burn scar on his chest.
Teague is an orphan, discovered by wandering druids in the burned-out remains of a village. The village and its inhabitants were thought to be destroyed by orcs or goblins. The wandering druids delivered the infant to the Brotherhood, who raised the boy in their ways. Though not possessed of a keen intellect, Teague dedicated himself to his studies and managed to learn enough to pass as an educated man. He often travels wearing the robes of a knave (the student rank of the Brotherhood).
During his years with the Brotherhood, Teague was the ward of a master named Logarch, who had been a bard in his early life before entering the Brotherhood. Logarch taught the young boy to appreciate the poems and legends of old. Teague developed a great fondness for the bardic tales and managed to memorize a great many.

Teague's Mark
Teague was caught in a fire at the age of 14. He was pulled from the flame but his chest was badly burned. The druids nursed him back to health. While unconscious, Teague received a vision of Macha. She called him to guard the island of Eíre from all invaders, protect the people of the island, and defend all who required it. He eventually recovered from the burns but his chest bore a 7-inch scar from the fire. The scar is directly over his heart and takes the shape of a raven, the symbol of the Morrigan. Teague regards this mark as confirmation of his vision and destiny, as well as a symbol of his devotion to Macha. Teague occasionally paints this mark near the scene of a battle, sometimes using the blood of the foe he has just beheaded.
Teague and the Morrígan
In his devotion to the Morrígan, Teague has vowed to take the heads of all enemies he faces in combat. Once he has decapitated his foe, Teague kneels at the body and says a prayer to Macha. He then burns the head in a funeral pyre and leaves the body for scavengers.
A bastard sword crafted of fine dwarven steel. Runes set near the hilt name it Orcbane. Teague tells that he came by the sword in 3091 KE (1157 CE) when he defeated a black-armored knight in Ulster in a duel. The dark knight gave Teague this blade and said it was a gift from the raven-women, who are known as the Morrígan. Teague swore a vow of poverty, never to own more than he can carry, in order to be worthy of this gift. Attributes: Composition: Steel; Dwarven (can parry and attack on the same turn); Balanced (+1 to skill when using); Fine Quality (-1 to odds of breakage; +1 to damage); Weapon Bond Perk (+1 to skill when using); Signature Gear.
Attack | Skill | Parry | Damage | Reach | ST |
One-handed swing | 17 | 13 | 1d+4 cut | 1,2 | 11 |
One-handed thrust | 17 | 13 | 1d cr | 2 | 11 |
Two-handed swing | 14 | 11 | 1d+5 cut | 1,2 | 10 |
Two-handed thrust | 14 | 11 | 1d+1 cr | 2 | 10 |
Travels and Adventures
I intend Teague to be the type of Celt who becomes a hero in the myths. An orphan of no particular lineage, his feats and accomplishments are all his own. He is a self-made hero and favored by the gods because of his devotion and perseverance, not because of some divine right. Teague is Everyman writ Heroic.