Starfleet Academy (23rd century)

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Starfleet Academy Template

The following minimum standards apply to all graduates of Starfleet Academy. All Starfleet officers must be built from this template.

Basic Information

Item Points
Attributes 30
Advantages 20
Disadvantages -40
Skills 30
Total 50

Attribute Modifiers

Attribute Rel. Lvl. Points
IQ +1 20
HT +1 10
Total 30


Advantage Level Points
Fit N/A 5
Military Rank 1 5
Resistance (Disease) (Common) (+3; *1/3) N/A 5
Social Regard (Respected) 1 5
Total 20


Disadvantage Level Points
Code of Honor (Star Fleet) -15
Duty (Star Fleet) (15 or less (almost always)) -15
Sense of Duty (Federation) -10
Total -40


Skill Difficulty Points
Astronomy/TL12 IQ/H 1
Beam Weapons/TL12 (Pistol) DX/E 1
Computer Operation/TL12 IQ/E 1
Computer Programming/TL12 IQ/H 1
Diplomacy IQ/H 1
Electronics Operation/TL12 (Matter Transmitters) IQ/A 2
Electronics Operation/TL12 (Scientific) IQ/A 2
Expert Skill (Xenology) IQ/H 1
First Aid/TL12 (Human) IQ/E 1
Free Fall DX/A 1
History (Federation) IQ/H 1
Judo DX/H 1
Law (Federation) IQ/H 1
Leadership IQ/A 1
Mathematics/TL12 (Applied) IQ/H 1
Navigation/TL12 (Hyperspace) IQ/A 2
Physics/TL12 IQ/VH 1
Piloting/TL12 (Aerospace) DX/A 1
Piloting/TL12 (High-Performance Spacecraft) DX/A 2
Savoir-Faire (Military) IQ/E 1
Shiphandling/TL12 (Starship) IQ/H 2
Spacer/TL12 IQ/E 1
Strategy (Space) IQ/H 1
Survival (any) Per/A 1
Vacc Suit/TL12 DX/A 1
Total 30