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A brief guide to some of the most important locations and organizations in INVASION APOCALYPSE!!!


Aztlan. Geographic region incorporating the former states of Arizona and New Mexico, as well as parts of southern Colorado and Utah.


Church of the Hovering Angel. The largest and best organized cult of Visitor-worshipers, their clergy travel widely and proselytize freely. Though deeply annoying in their zealotry, they are the most common contemporary source of information about the Visitor. Any township where the CHA is present will likely have at least one working telescope and an observer assigned to watch and record the Visitor’s passings.

Congregation of the Triad. A modern-day reinvention of the Pythagorean Mysteries, Triadists believe the Visitor is communicating in a mathematical code. They devote most of their time to the study of mathematics and cryptography in hopes of decoding the message and communicating with the Visitor.


Four Corners. A large township located where the borders of four states once met. The name is historic and traces its origin to pre-Visitor times. Though it is located within Navajo Nation territory, the township is a “free zone” and is not under tribal jurisdiction.


Navajo Nation. Geopolitical region covering most of the Four Corners area, often simpler referred to as “the Nation.” Ruled by a tribal council, the Nation is as organized and powerful as a large military enclave, and is the largest organized geopolitical entity in the Aztlan region. The practice of “debt slavery” is common throughout the Nation, and is the primary source of labor.


Omegans. Determined to bring about the end of the world, Omegans worship weapons of mass destruction, cherishing the rare pieces they unearth, driven by the hope of finding a complete and intact device.


Regulators. Paramilitary organization providing “protection” for a number of townships and settlements.

Renegades. Large gang with several chapters in various towns. Not all chapters are affiliated: many just use the name because it’s well-known.


Scientia Veris. The SV is a “secret society” of non-military scientists and engineers with its origins in the university system of pre-fall civilization. Almost any former city that hosted a college or university will have at least a few learned souls associated with the SV. Some larger campuses are protected by local militia, though this is always through mutual assent rather than military dominance.

Skavians. Survivors who have constructed walled communities with laws and customs modeled on medieval anachronisms. Their settlements are CR5/6, and most technology (particularly firearms) is prohibited within their walls. Each settlement is ruled by a baron, and the various barons pledge fealty to a single king. These offices, however, are elected democratically by the citizens. Skavians are well-organized and friendly, and not inclined toward aggressive action. They have an active trading economy among their own communities, but have limited economic interaction with outsiders.

Seven Nations Army. Militaristic union of several nomadic Native American tribes and their sympathizers, spread throughout the old American west. They are fierce warriors known for raiding townships and settlements, sometimes kidnapping women and children. They oppose the Navajo Nation and often commit acts of guerrilla warfare against Navajo settlements.


Thanatoids. Cannibalistic death-worshipers. Little is known of their beliefs because few who encounter them live to tell.