Gate Key Device

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The gate stones represent a system of fixed and permanent naturally-occurring magical gates. Gates marked by gate stones have permanent origins and destinations, but all gates designated by the network also share a common point in spacetime. In theory any single gate stone provides access to all other gates in the network. Deliberate use of the gate network usually requires extensive knowledge of the locations of gate stones as well as gate magic, teleportation, planetary geography, other planes of existence, and perhaps even theoretical physics. Opening a gate without a proper destination or during certain astronomical conditions may achieve disastrous results.

The gate key device provides an easy reference undirected access of the gate stone network. By setting the origin and desired destination, one may discover the astronomical alignments that allow for easy travel through the gate. During certain astronomical conditions, the space between two particular gates becomes more conducive to travel via gate. The two gates are thus temporarily connected such that accessing the pathway between them (i.e. using Control Gate) results in no resistance from the gate itself. During some astronomical conditions various spells hiding or protecting gate stones may also become temporarily suspended. Additionally, some gates may open automatically during very rare astronomical conditions, requiring no magic at all to access the gate. In skilled hands the gate key device can be used to discern these occasions.

Using the Gate Key Device

Primary operation

1. Set origin.
2. Set destination.
3. Output on celestial dials = alignment conducive to undirected travel

Alternate operation

1. Set origin.
2. Adjust celestial dials to coordinate with celestial conditions.
3. Output on destination dial = result of undirected travel through gate at time of conditions.