Diskordia Campaign
Campaign Background
Campaign name:
Starting year:
Genre: Fantasy
Realistic or cinematic? Cinematic
General theme of campaign: Wild adventures
Are there multiple planes of existence? Oh yeah.
Campaign World:
Campaign’s base city, nation, empire, or planet:
Society/government type:
Control Rating:
- Exceptions to general CR:
Tech level:
- Exceptions to general TL:
General mana level:
- Do areas of higher/lower mana exist?
Brief description of important neighboring powers, political/economic situation, etc.:
Information for PCs
Players may choose to play ANY of their characters from ANY of my previous campaigns, including but not limited to Dark Jazz, Eíre, Hyboria, or Special Ops.
Starting point value allowed for PCs: 300
Disadvantage limit (including Quirks): -100
PC races allowed: Human (for now)
Especially appropriate professions:
Starting Wealth:
Starting Wealth levels allowed:
Starting Status levels allowed:
Starting TLs allowed:
Languages available:
Cultural Familiarities available:
Advantages, Disadvantages, and Skills
Required advantages, disadvantages, and skills:
Especially appropriate Advantages: Luck, Serendipity
Especially appropriate Disadvantages: Weirdness Magnet
Especially appropriate Skills: Survival (any)
Disallowed advantages, disadvantages, and skills: Some mana-related magical attributes such as Static or Magic Resistance will require modification. Please consult with the GM if your character has mana-related magical attributes.
Appropriate Patrons, Allies or Contacts:
Special Abilities Allowed for PCs
Exotic/supernatural traits: Exotic biotech may only be added to TL10 or above characters.
Cinematic skills: Yes.
Are PC mages allowed? Yes.
Are any of the spells from Chapter 5 off limits? No.
Are PC psis allowed? Yes.
Are any of the powers from Chapter 6 off limits? No.
Are PC gadgeteers allowed? Yes.
Are there special limits on gadgeteering? No.
Unusual Background cost(s) for these abilities: No. (If the character has this trait, you may discard it and spend the points at will.)
Legal or social restrictions on these abilities: Unknown.
Rulebooks and Resources
GURPS Basic Set 4th edition (required).