Combat Maneuvers

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This house rule ensures that characters untrained in combat behave as such. It elaborates on an optional rule for "Untrained Fighters" given in GURPS Martial Arts 4th edition p. 113. To that end, some combat maneuvers now have a combat skill prerequisite. Note that it is only necessary to have a single combat skill at the requisite level to use a maneuver--melee or unarmed for melee combat maneuvers, ranged weapon for ranged combat maneuvers. E.g. if you have Brawling at DX level, then you can use all of the melee combat maneuvers that require DX skill level, even if you're using a sword at default and your sword skill is only 5. An exception is for PCs that have zero points in melee or ranged combat skills: they must have the requisite skill level in whatever skill they're attempting to use (at default) at the time. See the table below (which is a modification of the Quick Reference Table of Combat).

Having at least one melee/unarmed and one ranged weapon skill at DX level means you have access to all possible combat maneuvers, making this house rule moot for such a character.

Combat Maneuvers

Choose one maneuver on your turn. A character who is Stunned must choose the Do Nothing maneuver.

Action Description Movement Defense Skill Level
Attacks Extra Attack, Feint, Deceptive or Telegraphed Attack, Dual-Weapon Attack, or Rapid Strike are options
Attack Make 1 attack 1 step Any Active Defense DX-5
All-Out Attack Make two melee attacks;
or 1 melee attack at +4 to hit;
or 1 melee attack at +2 damage;
or gain 1 hex reach on a melee attack;
or make 1 ranged attack at +1;
or Feint and make a Ranged Attack ;
or use Suppression Fire
1/2 Move forward; must be before attack No Active Defenses DX-4
Committed Attack Make 1 melee attack at +2 to hit;
or 1 attack at +1 damage
1 step; 2 steps at -2 to attack Cannot defend with limb used to attack and any other Active Defense is at -2; cannot retreat DX
Defensive Attack Make 1 melee attack at -2 damage 1 step Any Active Defense; +1 to Parry or Block;
or Parry with a U weapon
All-Out Defense Do not attack at all 1 step; or 1/2 move if +2 Dodge Any Active Defense; +2 to Dodge or Parry or Block;
or use two Active Defenses against a single attack
Attacks while moving Extra Attack, Deceptive or Telegraphed Attack, or Dual-Weapon Attack are options
Move and Attack (Melee) While moving, attack at -4 with a maximum skill of 9 Full move; may attack at any time Block or Dodge; Cannot Retreat DX-5
Move and Attack (Ranged) Move and make a ranged attack with weapon's Bulk as a penalty Full move; may attack at any time Block or Dodge; Cannot Retreat DX-5
Move and Attack (Slam) Move and knock down a target by rolling under DX, Brawling, Shield, or Sumo Wrestling Full move and attack at end Block or Dodge; Cannot Retreat DX-4
Move and All-Out Attack (Slam) Move and knock down a target by rolling under DX, Brawling, Shield, or Sumo Wrestling; get a +4 bonus or Feint and knock down or get +2 damage bonus Full move and attack at end No Active Defenses DX-4
Move Move and do not attack Full move Any Active Defense n/a
Change Posture Switch from standing to sitting, kneeling, crawling, lying prone, or lying face up
or switch from crawling, kneeling, or sitting to standing or lying down
or switch from lying down to crawling, kneeling, or sitting
None Any Active Defense n/a
Ready Prepare a weapon or item to be used Step Any Active Defense DX-6
Aim Get a cumulative +2 bonus to hit a specific target with a ranged weapon per aim maneuver, up a maximum of Acc + 6. Step Any Active Defense, but lose Aim bonus DX-5
Evaluate Get a cumulative +2 bonus to a hit a specific target with a melee weapon per evaluate maneuver, up to a maximum of +6 (not cumulative with Telegraphed attack) Step Any Active Defense, at +1 against specific target's attacks DX-5
Concentrate Prepare a spell or special power for use Step Any Active Defense, but potentially lose concentration n/a
Do Nothing Don't do anything None Any Active Defense n/a
Wait Wait for something to happen and then take an All-Out Attack (Melee), Committed Attack, Attack, Defensive Attack, or All-Out Attack (Ranged) maneuver as per triggered maneuver as per triggered maneuver n/a

Attack Options

These effects may be combined if the maneuver allows them, except for Rapid Strike and Dual-Weapon Attack are mutually exclusive. Weapon Masters and Trained by a Master halves the penalty for Rapid Strike and Dual-Weapon Attack.

Attack Options Effect Skill Level
Feint Give up an attack to make a contest of Weapon skills: your Margin of Success is a penalty on opponent's Active Defense against your next attack;

or give up an attack to make a contest of Weapon skills: your Margin of Success is a penalty on opponent's next Attack against you

Deceptive Attack Take -2 to attack per -1 on any of opponent's Active Defenses against that melee attack;

or take -2 to attack per -1 to a target's Dodge against a ranged attack

Telegraphed Attack Take a +4 to attack and give opponent a +2 on all Active Defenses against that melee attack DX-6
Rapid Strike Once per turn, give up an attack to attack with a melee weapon to attack twice at -6
Dual-Weapon Strike give up an attack with a melee weapon or pistol to attack with a weapon in each hand at -4 DX-5
Extra Attack Take an extra attack. You must have a specific advantage to do this. n/a

Active Defenses

Normally, only 1 Active Defense can be attempted against a single attack. Some maneuvers prevent a defender from using certain Active Defenses. All Active Defense are at a -4 penalty while Stunned. Multiple uses of the same Active Defense in a turn accumulate penalties that are zeroed at the start of character's turn.

Weapon Masters and Trained by a Master halve multiple parry/block penalties. Fencing weapons, long two-handed weapons, or mobile unarmed skills (Boxing, Karate, or Judo) also halve multiple parry penalties. Effects are cumulative (-1 penalty for multiple parries).

Active Defenses Effect Skill Level
Parry One per arm. Can only cancel melee attacks or thrown weapons. Additional parries are -4 per arm repeated. DX-6
Cross parry Requires a weapon in each hand, and can not make any further Active Defenses with those limbs. Make a parry at +2 DX-5
Supported parry Support a weapon parry with an empty hand. Cannot make any further Active Defenses with those limbs. Make a parry at +1 DX-5
Block One per arm with a shield. Can cancel any attack. Additional blocks are at -5 each. DX-6
Dodge Can cancel any attack. No penalties for additional dodges. DX-6
Acrobatic Dodge Can cancel any attack. Only one attempt per turn. Roll Acrobatics; success gives Dodge +2 and failure gives Dodge -2. DX-6

Retreat Options

No character can retreat more than once per turn. Some maneuvers or postures do not allow retreats. It is never legal to retreat into obstructed terrain.

Retreat Options Movement Effect Skill Level
Retreat 1 step directly away from opponent +3 to Dodge, Fencing Parry, or Mobile Unarmed Parry against melee attacks
or +1 to Block or Parry against melee attacks
Dive or Drop Go prone in current space +3 to Dodge against ranged attacks
or +2 to Dodge, Fencing Parry, or Mobile Unarmed Parry against melee attacks
or +0 to Block or Parry against melee attacks
Sideslip 1 step in any direction except directly toward or away from opponent +2 to Dodge, Fencing Parry, or Mobile Unarmed Parry against melee attacks
or +0 to Block or Parry against melee attacks
Slip 1 step directly toward opponent +1 to Dodge, Fencing Parry, or Mobile Unarmed Parry against melee attacks
or -1 to Block or Parry against melee attacks
Sacrificial Dodge 1 step between an ally and a foe Roll a Dodge. Success means attack meant for ally hits you instead. DX-6
Low Line Parry No movement Counts a parry for maneuvers that limit parries and requires at least 2 functional legs. Roll a parry against an attack below the waist. DX-5


Grapples are initiated by any attack maneuver at Close Combat range. Any Active Defense will cancel a Grapple attempt. The following actions are attack options after a Grapple has been started.

Action Effect Skill Level
Break Free After being grappled, initiate a Quick Contest of ST. On a win, the grapple ends and you may Step in any direction. n/a
Arm Lock After a Judo parry or grappling an arm, attack with Judo or Wrestle. If successful, victim's arm is pinned. On subsequent turns, initiate contest of Judo/Wrestle vs Judo/Wrestle or ST as a free action and do Margin of Success crushing damage to victim's arm. DX-2
Judo Throw After a Judo parry or a grapple, attack with Judo. If successful, opponent is prone and must roll HT or be stunned. Roll at -1 to do thrust/crushing damage to victim. If the opponent is in a lock, do swing/crushing damage to the body part in the lock. DX-2
Choke After grappling the neck, initiate a Quick contest of ST vs ST or HT. Do Margin of Success crushing damage to victim's neck and suffocate him (1 FP/turn) n/a
Choke Hold Grapple the neck from behind. On subsequent turns, initiate a Quick Contest of ST+3 vs ST or HT. Do Margin of Success crushing or fatigue damage to opponent's neck. Using a weapon gives a +1 or more on the Quick Contest (and swords can doing cutting damage). DX-5
Neck Snap or Wrench Limb After grappling a foe's limb or neck, initiate a Quick Contest of ST-4 versus ST or HT. If you win, do swing/crushing damage to the limb or neck. n/a
Takedown After grappling a standing foe, initiate a Quick Contest of ST, DX, or Grappling skill vs ST, DX, or Grappling skill. Loser falls prone and loses any grapple. n/a
Pin After grappling a prone opponent's torso, initiate a Regular Contest of ST. If you win, your opponent is pinned and helpless. Nothing happens on a lose or tie. n/a

See Also

2d Damage optional | Detect Lies | Interrogation | Meditation | Stealth | Tactics

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