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Doolish Lóegaire


I am Doolish Lóegaire of the clan Lóegaire. I was born in 3078 in the villiage of Newgrange on the shores of Boyne.

Born to Donal and Endellion Lóegaire on September 21st, I grew up among four older siblings, all boys: Gwrtheyrn (9 years older), Áedh (7 years older), Vercingetorix (5 years older), and Brennus (2 years older).

My Father wasn’t too happy about it, but I left home and the tanning business (at the age of 13) to become an Ollave under the mentorship of a Druid, Uisden Taog (pronounced: OOS-jen Took). He has been teaching me for 7 years.

I am currently in The Outlands with Tristin Lóegaire, trying to keep Tom Kerry out of trouble.

My Adventures