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These events are gathered from from [http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/primedirective/ GURPS Prime Directive] published by the [http://www.starfleetgames.com/prime/pd-gurps.htm Amarillo Design Bureau] and from [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Portal:Main Memory Alpha].
!Year !! Event
!Year !! Event
|- valign="top"
|Start of the Eugenics Wars, a terrible conflict on Earth, brought about by a group of genetically engineered "supermen " who were the result of an ambitious selective-breeding program. The leader of the group was Khan Noonien Singh . Within a year, Khan and his followers had seized control in forty Earth nations, which totaled roughly a quarter of the planet . Terrible wars ensued, in part because the "supermen" fought among themselves. Entire populations were bombed out of existence, and Earth was on the verge of a new Dark Age.
|Start of the [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Eugenics_Wars Eugenics Wars], a terrible conflict on Earth, brought about by a group of genetically engineered "supermen " who were the result of an ambitious selective-breeding program. The leader of the group was Khan Noonien Singh. Within a year, Khan and his followers had seized control in forty Earth nations, which totaled roughly a quarter of the planet. Terrible wars ensued, in part because the "supermen" fought among themselves. Entire populations were bombed out of existence, and Earth was on the verge of a new Dark Age.
|- valign="top"
|Advancements in sublight propulsion technology make sleeper ships obsolete.
|Advancements in sublight propulsion technology reduce the need for [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Sleeper_ship Sleeper ships] for interplanetary travel.
|- valign="top"
|The United States of America establishes the Sanctuary Districts in an effort to alleviate rising unemployment and poverty.  
|The United States of America establishes the [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Sanctuary_District Sanctuary District]s in an effort to alleviate rising unemployment and poverty.  
|- valign="top"
|World War III begins over the issue of genetic engineering and Human genome enhancement. Among the major players of the war is Colonel Phillip Green, whose actions lead to some 37 million deaths.
|[http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/World_War_III World War III] begins over the issue of genetic engineering and Human genome enhancement. Among the major players in the war is Colonel Phillip Green, whose actions lead to some 37 million deaths.
|- valign="top"
|A manned Earth mission to Mars, the Ares IV, takes place under the command of Lieutenant John Kelly. However, the orbital module of the mission, along with Lt. Kelly, vanishes, stranding two astronauts on the Martian surface.  No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
|A manned Earth mission to Mars, the [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Ares_IV Ares IV], takes place under the command of Lieutenant John Kelly. However, the orbital module of the mission, along with Lt. Kelly, vanishes, stranding two astronauts on the Martian surface.  No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
|- valign="top"
|The Earth spaceship Charybdis, commanded by Colonel Stephen G. Richey, is launched as the third attempt to explore beyond the Sol system.
|The Earth spaceship [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Charybdis Charybdis], commanded by Colonel Stephen G. Richey, is launched as the third attempt to explore beyond the Sol system.
|- valign="top"
|NASA loses contact with the Charybdis following a failure in the ship's telemetry system.  
|NASA loses contact with the Charybdis following a failure in the ship's telemetry system.  
|- valign="top"
|The Third World War on Earth ends. 600 million people are killed, numerous major cities are destroyed or suffer heavy damage and most of the major governments are in ruins. One of the major combatants in the war was the ECON or Eastern Coalition .
|[http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/World_War_III World War III] on Earth ends. 600 million people have been killed, numerous major cities have been destroyed or are heavily damaged, and most major governments are in ruins. One of the major combatants in the war was the ECON or Eastern Coalition.  A post-atomic horror begins and will last for decades.
|- valign="top"
|First Contact (of public record) between the Human race and neighboring race: the Vulcans.  Zefram Cochrane launches the Phoenix, mankind 's first warp-capable ship, from a remote location in the continental United States. Its brief warp flight is detected by a Vulcan survey ship, the T'Plana-Hath, passing through the local sector, and the ship diverts course to investigate.  The Vulcans are already in contact with other space-faring races in the immediate vicinity (Andorians, Rigellians).  
|[http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/First_Contact First Contact] (of public record) between the Human race and neighboring race: the Vulcans.  Zefram Cochrane launches the Phoenix, mankind 's first warp-capable ship, from a remote location in the continental United States. Its brief warp flight is detected by a Vulcan survey ship, the T'Plana-Hath, passing through the local sector, and the ship diverts course to investigate.  The Vulcans are already in contact with other space-faring races in the immediate vicinity (Andorians, Rigellians).  
|- valign="top"
|Humans launch the first warp ships to explore the galaxy.
|The Earth colony ship SS Conestoga is launched with the mission of colonizing the planet Terra Nova .
|The Earth colony ship [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/SS_Conestoga SS Conestoga] is launched with the mission of colonizing the planet Terra Nova.
|- valign="top"
|A group of North American Indians leave Earth in order to preserve their cultural identity and to find a new home.  
|A group of [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Native_American North American Indians] leave Earth in order to preserve their cultural identity and to find a new home.  
|- valign="top"
|The SS Conestoga reaches Terra Nova .
|The SS Conestoga reaches Terra Nova.
|- valign="top"
|By this year, the post-atomic horror is underway
|The [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Post-atomic_horror post-atomic horror] is underway:  the New United Nations has ceased to exist, lawyers have been abolished (by execution) and martial law is still in effect in some areas of the world.
|- valign="top"
|Earth loses contact with the Terra Nova colony.  (It turns out an asteroid struck the colony planet.)
|Earth loses contact with the [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Terra_Nova Terra Nova] colony.  (It turns out an asteroid struck the colony planet.)
|- valign="top"
|The Orpheus Mining Colony on Luna is established.  
|The [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Orpheus_Mining_Colony Orpheus Mining Colony] on Luna is established.  
|- valign="top"
|The Earth survey ship SS Hokule'a is launched for deep space exploration.  
|The Earth survey ship SS Hokule'a is launched for deep space exploration.  
|- valign="top"
|The first Human colony on the planet Mars is established, marking the birth of the Martian colonies .
|The first Human colony is established on [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Martian_colonies Mars].
|- valign="top"
|The Earth colony ship VK Yuri Gagarin is launched.  
|The Earth colony ship VK Yuri Gagarin is launched.  
|- valign="top"
|The Taurean system is briefly explored and a spaceship is lost near there.  No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
|The Taurean system is briefly explored and a spaceship is lost near there.  No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
|- valign="top"
|Human’s have Non-Tactical Warp drive (Impulse Engines, Maximum Warp Factor of 5.5 or 9 parsecs/day).
|Human’s have Non-Tactical Warp drive (Impulse Engines, Maximum Warp Factor of 5.5 or 9 parsecs/day).
|- valign="top"
|The Earth United Government is formed.
|The Earth United Government is formed.
|- valign="top"
|Federation is formed.  It is made up of Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, Alpha-Centaurans, Rigellians, and other.
|Federation encounters the Orions, a smaller star-faring culture toward the Galactic Rim border.  The Orions quickly set up trade relations.
|Earth encounters the Orions, a smaller star-faring culture toward the Galactic Rim border.  The Orions quickly set up trade relations.
|- valign="top"
|First Federation-Romulan War begins when Romulans invade Federation territory.  The Federation fleet is motley as each member race has built it’s own ships(During this war, no Federation member survives a face to face meeting with a Romulan.)
|First contact between Humans and Klingons (although the Vulcans had had occasional contact with them) occurs when a courier named Klaang crashes on Earth while pursued by two Suliban soldiers.
|- valign="top"
|The Xindi Incident begins when a prototype weapon kills over seven million people on EarthOver the course of a year, the Enterprise (NX=01), captained  by Jonathan Archer, prevents the Xindi from destroying Earth with a second weapon.
|- valign="top"
|The Coalition of Planets meets for the first time in San Francisco, EarthIt is a loose alliance of the United Earth, Vulcan, Andorian Empire, Rigel, Denobula, Coridan, and Tellar governments.
|- valign="top"
|A treaty between the Federation and the Orions effectively brings the Orions into the Federation, albeit preserving some legal semblance of a semiautonomous zone.
|A treaty between the Coalition and the Orions effectively brings the them into the Coalition of Planets.
|- valign="top"
|First Federation-Romulan War ends with a cease-fire; Orion support for the war effort had given the Federation a major advantage.  The Romulan threat drives the Federation to rapidly create colonies and bases in support of the fleet near the Romulan border.
|The Romulan War begins when Romulans invade Coalition territory.  The Coalition fleet is motley as each member race has built it’s own ships.  (During this war, no Coaltion member survives a face to face meeting with a Romulan.)
|- valign="top"
|The Romulan War ends with a cease-fire following the humiliating defeat of the Romulans at the Battle of Cheron.  Orion support for the war effort had given the Coalition a major advantage.  The Romulan threat drives the Coalition to rapidly create colonies and bases near the newly established Neutral Zone--an area of neutral space between the Coalition of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire.
|- valign="top"
|The Federation is founded in San Francisco, Earth.  It is made up of Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, Tellarites, Alpha-Centaurans, Denobulans, Rigellians, Coridanites, and several others.  The Orions are effectively members, but manage to preserve some legal semblance of a semiautonomous zone.
|- valign="top"
|Federation  forms Star Fleet. Member races begin disbanding their 'national' fleets (which are non-tactical warp ships) in favor of the unified fleet (which are tactical warp with photon torpedoes).  However, the Federation Council agrees to allow each planet to convert and control a few of their old ships.  Ostensibly, this is to “facilitate training”; but in actuality, member planets do not yet entirely trust each other.
|Federation  forms Starfleet. Member races begin disbanding their 'national' fleets (which are non-tactical warp ships) in favor of the unified fleet (which are tactical warp with photon torpedoes).  However, the Federation Council agrees to allow each planet to convert and control a few of their old ships.  Ostensibly, this is to “facilitate training”; but in actuality, member planets do not yet entirely trust each other.
|- valign="top"
|First contact between the Tholians and Federation.  The Tholians have no interest in suggestions for commerce and the free exchange of ideas.
|First contact between the Tholians and Federation.  The Tholians have no interest in suggestions for commerce and the free exchange of ideas.
|- valign="top"
|First contact between the Klingons and the Federation (although the Vulcans had already met them).  The Klingons send diplomats to hold trade talks and discuss treaties.
|First Federation-Kzinti War begins with Kzinti as the aggressors.  The Klingons provide the Federation with useful intelligence and tactical advice.  Klingons are honored guests on Federation cruisers fighting the Kzintis.
|The Federation-Kzinti War begins with Kzinti as the aggressors.  The Klingons provide the Federation with useful intelligence and tactical advice.  Klingons are honored guests on Federation cruisers fighting the Kzintis.
|- valign="top"
|The Federation Council reluctantly agrees to allow member planets to keep a “squadron” of ships refitted with tactical warp and photon torpedoes.  This legalizes the ever expanding size of the “training” units set up in 2182.
|The Federation Council reluctantly agrees to allow member planets to keep a “squadron” of ships refitted with tactical warp and photon torpedoes.  This legalizes the ever expanding size of the “training” units set up in 2182.
|- valign="top"
|Kzintis make gains against the Federation, capturing several key planets.
|Kzintis make gains against the Federation, capturing several key planets.
|- valign="top"
|Federation begins counteroffensive to regain territory occupied by Kzintis, and make steady progress.
|Federation begins counteroffensive to regain territory occupied by Kzintis, and make steady progress.
|- valign="top"
|First Federation-Kzinti War ends.  The Federation frontier is reestablished in it’s original location, creating a temporary border.
|The Federation-Kzinti War ends.  The Federation frontier is reestablished in it’s original location, creating a temporary border.
|- valign="top"
|Star Fleet Marine Corps and the Federation Merchant Service are formally brought under the umbrella of Star Fleet Command.
|Starfleet Marine Corps and the Federation Merchant Service are formally brought under the umbrella of Starfleet Command.
|- valign="top"
|The Federation Council (in an attempt to peacefully define a border) declares they will not attempt to control territory more than 4,750 parsecs away from their Primary Member Zone (i.e. Earth).  Unfortunately, this limit includes territory claimed by both the Kzintis and the Klingons.
|The Federation Council (in an attempt to peacefully define a border) declares they will not attempt to control territory more than 4,750 parsecs away from their Primary Member Zone (i.e. Earth).  Unfortunately, this limit includes territory claimed by both the Kzintis and the Klingons.
|- valign="top"
|A series of Klingon-Federation border incidents begin as the Klingons challenge the Federation imposed boundaries.
|A series of Klingon-Federation border incidents begin as the Klingons challenge the Federation imposed boundaries.
|- valign="top"
|Federation colony Aberdeen III (coordinates 3411) is found to be completely abandoned.  No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
|Federation colony Aberdeen III (coordinates 3411) is found to be completely abandoned.  No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
|- valign="top"
|First Federation-Klingon War begins with Klingon attack on territory claimed by the Federation (Declaration of 2213).
|First Federation-Klingon War begins with a Klingon attack on territory claimed by the Federation Declaration of 2213.
|- valign="top"
|Federation ship is found destroyed near the Romulan border.  No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
|Federation ship is found destroyed near the Romulan border.  No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
|- valign="top"
|First Federation-Klingon War ends as the Klingons abandon their attacks and launch diplomatic protests over the new Federation border.
|First Federation-Klingon War ends as the Klingons abandon their attacks and launch diplomatic protests over the new Federation border.
|- valign="top"
|The planet Aurora III (coordinates 2901) is colonized.  It is the most coreward Federation colony at that time.
|The planet Aurora III (coordinates 2901) is colonized.  It is the most coreward Federation colony at that time.
|- valign="top"
|The Federation Council passes the Federation Defense Act, creating National Guards for each planet.  These are, officially, a reserve fleet for the Star Fleet.  In truth, most planets regard their Nation Guard as a defense against other Federation members.  (The Federation realizes that attempting to scrap these ships is hopeless.)
|The Federation Council passes the Federation Defense Act, creating National Guards for each planet.  These are, officially, a reserve fleet for the Starfleet.  In truth, member races are not convinced the Federation is ready and/or willing to defend their individual interests.  (The Federation realizes that attempting to scrap these ships is hopeless.)
|- valign="top"
|Sixteen Orion ships and 9,000 skilled spacers mutiny and disappear.
|Sixteen Orion ships and 9,000 skilled spacers mutiny and disappear.
|- valign="top"
|Orion Pirates are in widespread operation.  They begin eliminating or co-opting non-Orion pirates that have been operating for decades.
|Orion Pirates are in widespread operation.  They begin eliminating or co-opting non-Orion pirates that have been operating for decades.
|- valign="top"
|The Federation Council votes for a massive program of exploration toward the unexplored and uninhabited coreward regions.  Aurora III becomes the staging area for the program.  A Star Fleet base station is built there.
|The Federation Council votes for a massive program of exploration toward the unexplored and uninhabited coreward regions.  Aurora III becomes the staging area for the program.  A Starfleet base station is built there.
==See Also==
[[GURPS SPACE: Star Trek: Aurora |STA main page]]
[[Federation Race Descriptions]]
[[Mission Timeline]]

[[Category: GURPS SPACE: Star Trek: Aurora]]
[[Category: GURPS SPACE: Star Trek: Aurora]]

Latest revision as of 06:04, 1 May 2010

These events are gathered from from GURPS Prime Directive published by the Amarillo Design Bureau and from Memory Alpha.

Year Event
1993 Start of the Eugenics Wars, a terrible conflict on Earth, brought about by a group of genetically engineered "supermen " who were the result of an ambitious selective-breeding program. The leader of the group was Khan Noonien Singh. Within a year, Khan and his followers had seized control in forty Earth nations, which totaled roughly a quarter of the planet. Terrible wars ensued, in part because the "supermen" fought among themselves. Entire populations were bombed out of existence, and Earth was on the verge of a new Dark Age.
2018 Advancements in sublight propulsion technology reduce the need for Sleeper ships for interplanetary travel.
2020 The United States of America establishes the Sanctuary Districts in an effort to alleviate rising unemployment and poverty.
2026 World War III begins over the issue of genetic engineering and Human genome enhancement. Among the major players in the war is Colonel Phillip Green, whose actions lead to some 37 million deaths.
2032 A manned Earth mission to Mars, the Ares IV, takes place under the command of Lieutenant John Kelly. However, the orbital module of the mission, along with Lt. Kelly, vanishes, stranding two astronauts on the Martian surface. No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
2037 The Earth spaceship Charybdis, commanded by Colonel Stephen G. Richey, is launched as the third attempt to explore beyond the Sol system.
2038 NASA loses contact with the Charybdis following a failure in the ship's telemetry system.
2053 World War III on Earth ends. 600 million people have been killed, numerous major cities have been destroyed or are heavily damaged, and most major governments are in ruins. One of the major combatants in the war was the ECON or Eastern Coalition. A post-atomic horror begins and will last for decades.
2063 First Contact (of public record) between the Human race and neighboring race: the Vulcans. Zefram Cochrane launches the Phoenix, mankind 's first warp-capable ship, from a remote location in the continental United States. Its brief warp flight is detected by a Vulcan survey ship, the T'Plana-Hath, passing through the local sector, and the ship diverts course to investigate. The Vulcans are already in contact with other space-faring races in the immediate vicinity (Andorians, Rigellians).
2069 The Earth colony ship SS Conestoga is launched with the mission of colonizing the planet Terra Nova.
2070 A group of North American Indians leave Earth in order to preserve their cultural identity and to find a new home.
2078 The SS Conestoga reaches Terra Nova.
2079 The post-atomic horror is underway: the New United Nations has ceased to exist, lawyers have been abolished (by execution) and martial law is still in effect in some areas of the world.
2081 Earth loses contact with the Terra Nova colony. (It turns out an asteroid struck the colony planet.)
2090 The Orpheus Mining Colony on Luna is established.
2102 The Earth survey ship SS Hokule'a is launched for deep space exploration.
2103 The first Human colony is established on Mars.
2105 The Earth colony ship VK Yuri Gagarin is launched.
2105 The Taurean system is briefly explored and a spaceship is lost near there. No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
2112 Human’s have Non-Tactical Warp drive (Impulse Engines, Maximum Warp Factor of 5.5 or 9 parsecs/day).
2113 The Earth United Government is formed.
2132 Earth encounters the Orions, a smaller star-faring culture toward the Galactic Rim border. The Orions quickly set up trade relations.
2151 First contact between Humans and Klingons (although the Vulcans had had occasional contact with them) occurs when a courier named Klaang crashes on Earth while pursued by two Suliban soldiers.
2153 The Xindi Incident begins when a prototype weapon kills over seven million people on Earth. Over the course of a year, the Enterprise (NX=01), captained by Jonathan Archer, prevents the Xindi from destroying Earth with a second weapon.
2155 The Coalition of Planets meets for the first time in San Francisco, Earth. It is a loose alliance of the United Earth, Vulcan, Andorian Empire, Rigel, Denobula, Coridan, and Tellar governments.
2156 A treaty between the Coalition and the Orions effectively brings the them into the Coalition of Planets.
2156 The Romulan War begins when Romulans invade Coalition territory. The Coalition fleet is motley as each member race has built it’s own ships. (During this war, no Coaltion member survives a face to face meeting with a Romulan.)
2160 The Romulan War ends with a cease-fire following the humiliating defeat of the Romulans at the Battle of Cheron. Orion support for the war effort had given the Coalition a major advantage. The Romulan threat drives the Coalition to rapidly create colonies and bases near the newly established Neutral Zone--an area of neutral space between the Coalition of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire.
2161 The Federation is founded in San Francisco, Earth. It is made up of Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, Tellarites, Alpha-Centaurans, Denobulans, Rigellians, Coridanites, and several others. The Orions are effectively members, but manage to preserve some legal semblance of a semiautonomous zone.
2182 Federation forms Starfleet. Member races begin disbanding their 'national' fleets (which are non-tactical warp ships) in favor of the unified fleet (which are tactical warp with photon torpedoes). However, the Federation Council agrees to allow each planet to convert and control a few of their old ships. Ostensibly, this is to “facilitate training”; but in actuality, member planets do not yet entirely trust each other.
2195 First contact between the Tholians and Federation. The Tholians have no interest in suggestions for commerce and the free exchange of ideas.
2199 The Federation-Kzinti War begins with Kzinti as the aggressors. The Klingons provide the Federation with useful intelligence and tactical advice. Klingons are honored guests on Federation cruisers fighting the Kzintis.
2199 The Federation Council reluctantly agrees to allow member planets to keep a “squadron” of ships refitted with tactical warp and photon torpedoes. This legalizes the ever expanding size of the “training” units set up in 2182.
2200 Kzintis make gains against the Federation, capturing several key planets.
2202 Federation begins counteroffensive to regain territory occupied by Kzintis, and make steady progress.
2203 The Federation-Kzinti War ends. The Federation frontier is reestablished in it’s original location, creating a temporary border.
2206 Starfleet Marine Corps and the Federation Merchant Service are formally brought under the umbrella of Starfleet Command.
2213 The Federation Council (in an attempt to peacefully define a border) declares they will not attempt to control territory more than 4,750 parsecs away from their Primary Member Zone (i.e. Earth). Unfortunately, this limit includes territory claimed by both the Kzintis and the Klingons.
2214 A series of Klingon-Federation border incidents begin as the Klingons challenge the Federation imposed boundaries.
2216 Federation colony Aberdeen III (coordinates 3411) is found to be completely abandoned. No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
2221 First Federation-Klingon War begins with a Klingon attack on territory claimed by the Federation Declaration of 2213.
2221 Federation ship is found destroyed near the Romulan border. No satisfactory explanation is ever found.
2222 First Federation-Klingon War ends as the Klingons abandon their attacks and launch diplomatic protests over the new Federation border.
2223 The planet Aurora III (coordinates 2901) is colonized. It is the most coreward Federation colony at that time.
2224 The Federation Council passes the Federation Defense Act, creating National Guards for each planet. These are, officially, a reserve fleet for the Starfleet. In truth, member races are not convinced the Federation is ready and/or willing to defend their individual interests. (The Federation realizes that attempting to scrap these ships is hopeless.)
2224 Sixteen Orion ships and 9,000 skilled spacers mutiny and disappear.
2228 Orion Pirates are in widespread operation. They begin eliminating or co-opting non-Orion pirates that have been operating for decades.
2236 The Federation Council votes for a massive program of exploration toward the unexplored and uninhabited coreward regions. Aurora III becomes the staging area for the program. A Starfleet base station is built there.

See Also

STA main page

Federation Race Descriptions

Mission Timeline